
About Student Points

In OnlineExamMaker, students can gain points for inspiration.

How can students get points?

For students, there are 2 ways they can gain points under the following administrator settings:

1. Students can gain points by everyday sign in.

Administrator Access: "Students" -> "Student Settings."


2. Students who successfully pass the required scores can gain points.

When you creating exams, you can make a setting on allocating the points for those who gain the scores as you requested.

The setting instructions are as follows: Please pay attention: You need select specific groups to attend the exams first. Only the students included in those groups can attend exams and gain points.


You can make a score range from 0% to 100%. Please see the example below:


How to view the points ranking?

Administrators can view the points ranking of different groups. The ranking is sorted by day, week, month and total.
