Don't want to make a quiz from scratch? Save time by using our ready-to-use quiz questions & answers.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
OnlineExamMaker quiz builder software can help teachers, lecturers, small business owners, or HR managers in creating online quizzes to assess students, employees and save tons of effort. The tests are automatically graded, and the students and exam organizers can get the quiz result instantly. With our powerful quiz tool, exam administrators don't have to spend hours in grading any more.
Our online quiz tool is cloud based, all the exams, candidates, and questions can be created and managed online. No download and installation are required.
Upload a full-screen exam background image to tell your brand story in the quiz. It is also possible for exam organizers to custom the welcome screen of quiz with company name, website URL, slogan and more.
Our online quiz software enables users send custom invitation message with brand name, website in the text. After the quiz, the system will display a personalized remark including score, performance to exam taker.
With our advanced data analysis techniques, OnlineExamMaker makes it easy for you to turn your exam data into actionable insights presented in easy-to-grasp formats. Display your exam report in the format of charts and graphs and word on clouds, the candidates can also view the result in the exam taker panel, know the weak point of their knowledge and optimize their learning plan at any time.
The online quiz system can automatically generate reports where each report of different aspect after the exam, such average score, scores by question, quiz taken time, pass rete and so on.
If you want to monetized your knowledge by selling quizzes or courses directly to your learners, onlineexammaker.com is the ideal platform for you. After a quiz is ready, you can set a price for your quiz and share your paid quiz to students, only the candidates who have paid for the exam can access the exam. You can also create paid courses in our online LMS and made them available for the paid group members only.
Bulk import question use an Excel or Word document from your computer, then create a quiz and add questions directly.
Add video, audio, or images to your question and create responsive quiz experience for students.
Custom the setting of your quiz, such as quiz live time, company logo, time limits.
The finished quiz can be published privately, shared with a candidate group or share to social via the link or QR code.
Insert mathematical equations to questions, allows math teachers to create professional math exams online.
Generate independent candidate exam report after exam, the report can be checked in candidate panel instantly.
Divide and group your contacts into different segments, create the right quiz or course for a particular group flexibly.
Invite candidates to attend your quiz via email, and SMS. Share the quiz link & QR code to social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin.
SSL Certificate ensure the data which is in transit between server and browser are 100% private and secure
Candidates can get instant feedback for explaining the answers or encouraging content when they answered the question.
Quiz builder software is a program or online tool that allows users to create, customize, and manage quizzes, tests, and assessments for various purposes.
Yes, OnlineExamMaker quiz creator software can be used for educational purposes in schools and universities, as well as for training and assessments in professional settings.
Our online quiz builder software is perfect for teachers, trainers, small business owners, organizer managers, and more.
To create a quiz, you usually start by setting up a new quiz, entering questions and answer choices, setting parameters, and organizing the quiz structure.
Yes, our question pool feature is available to create different versions of the same quiz, helping to prevent cheating.
Grading can be automated, with results available immediately after taking the quiz, or you can choose to manually review and grade responses.
Yes, OnlineExamMaker supports 10 question types, including multiple choice, true or false, sorting, matching, and more.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.