Making a quiz from scratch? Try ready-to-use online quiz questions & answers to save you time.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
Create an exam, then fill in the basic information, including title, description, keywords & exam cover.
Customize questions from scratch or import them in bulk. Add images, and videos to the questions.
Set the permissions, time limits, etc. for the exam. You can also personalized the exam theme with your own brand logo, background image, fonts.
Publish and share the exam with the candidates anytime, share direct link or scannable QR code to candidates via email, message.
We support login verification, face recognition, data leakage prevention, and anti-cheating functions.
It is available to create and take the exams anytime & anywhere without installation.
Customizing and setting an awesome certificate for your candidates can motivate them effectively.
10 question types for you to create questions and add pictures, videos, or feedback to make the exam more engaging.
You can share the exam with the candidates by the automatically generated links or QR codes with one click.
Not only will we generate detailed reports for your reference, but enables you to download the reports for assessment.
An online exam tool is a software or application that allows you to create, conduct, and grade exams online through a web browser.
Teachers, trainers, and digital marketers. Users can use OnlineExamMaker to conduct online exams & quizzes to increase efficiency.
Multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, hotspot, drag-and-drop, coding, essay, and more.
Security features like SSL encryption, proctoring, locking down other tabs/applications, randomized questions, and access codes prevent cheating.
Yes, you can define durations and auto-submit unfinished exams when time expires to maintain test integrity.
Yes, OnlineExamMaker allows multiple attempts with options to show different questions/answers each time are commonly available.
Yes. Apply your school, university or company branding, themes, colors and logos to exams for a seamless experience.
We offer free plan for teachers or individuals. Paid plans for larger user bases start around $17 monthly.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.