
Essay Questions: How to Set Points by Keywords

When we are adding a new essay question or editing an essay question, we can set points by keywords so that the system will score automatically according to the keywords set.

Here is the steps:

Firstly, go to "Question Bank" -> "All Questions", we can set points by keywords when we are adding a new essay question by clicking "New question." You can also set points by keywords when we are editing an essay question that exists by clicking "View details" -> "Edit question" button.


After entering the edit page of an essay question, we can check "Auto Grade by keywords" , and then click "New Keyword" to enter keywords and points. Also, we can check "Ignore case" if the answer of the question is correct regardless of the letter case.


Finally, click "Save" and it is done. So after the candidates submit the test papers, the system will score automatically according to the keywords set. Therefore, the candidates will get the points by keywords.
