Making a quiz from scratch? Or Get started with our pre-made quiz questions & answers.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
For education: Our online test builder helps teachers create auto grading & remote proctoring online exams easily. The exams are automatically graded with the results instantly available to students, so the teachers can save time & energy in grading.
For business: Companies can create employee training tests to assess the skills or knowledge of their staffs online. Trainers can use online exams to test employees after training to ensure that they understand the materials being taught.
Set up responsive online quizzes which can easily fit the screens on laptops, mobile phones, and tablets and enable exam takers to attend the tests anywhere, anytime.
Design and publish mobile friendly online tests seamlessly across tablets, mobile, social, and web channels - without the need for technical resources or professional design skills.
Create a question pool and allow the system select questions randomly from the pool, so the exam takers will not meet the same set of questions.
The webcam will take photos and record video to monitor the candidate during the exam. The exam organizers can view the photos and video in real-time. The photos and videos will also be hosted on the server, and they can be seen after the test is complete as well.
Using OnlineExamMaker test builder, you have the ability to create amazing tests with your unique customization. You have numerous options to customize the look of your quizzes to the corporate design of your company or that of your customers:
- Custom Logo & background Image.
- Add custom slogan, image in the welcome screen.
- Custom test invitations with your company name, website link.
Create a new test, then edit the title and description of the quiz, and custom background, color.
Add questions from question bank, then assign question points, and personalized test settings.
Publish and shared your test with a candidate group on every social media via the link or QR code.
Get detailed exam score results automatically and instantly after candidates submit their quizzes.
Taking a high-resolution face photo or submitting an identification card/passport matched against the student's profile in the proctoring view.
Allows learners purchase the required exams or courses from the dashboard using the secure payment gateways smoothly.
10+ flexible sub admin account permission setting, including grading management, candidate management, question editing, course management and so on.
The ranking list will sort the candidates based on their scores, you are allowed to configure how many candidates can be listed.
Show a custom remark to the candidates who complete their test. The remark can include formatted texts, images, links, audio or video.
Import bulk questions to your question bank at the same time from your computer by using specific format excel or word document.
An online test builder is a web-based tool or software that allows users to create, customize, and manage various types of tests and assessments for educational, professional, or personal purposes.
You can create a wide range of tests, including quizzes, exams, assessments, surveys, and questionnaires.
Yes, OnlineExamMaker supports multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, essay questions, and more. Quiz organizer can even add video, audio, and images to questions to make your quiz more engaging.
Yes, teacher can enable AI proctoring to prevent cheating online.
Grading can be automated, with results available immediately after taking the test, or you can choose to manually review and grade responses.
Yes, you can create multiple sub-accounts for your team. This will help you work together with your team in assessments.
Yes, OnlineExamMaker offers free version, you can used it for free, not credit card required.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.