Easy to create Easy to test Easy to assess
Step 1: Create and name a new test in our exam dashboard.
Step 2: Customize or import questions in our question bank. Set the time, theme, and other basic information.
Step 3: Publish and share the test with the candidates.
Step 4: Check automatic scoring results and detailed test reports.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
Online exam maker enables you to easily create and customize the questions from scratch.
We offer different types of questions for you to choose from, such as Multiple Choice, Ture or False, Fill in the Blank, Essay, and so on.
You can add questions and answers, set the points, add feedback, randomize the order, and add images and videos to make your test more engaging.
Online exam maker comes with multiple setting choices for the security, rationality, and availability of the test.
For example, you can adjust the answer time, choose the exam login option, customize the result page, set the style and conditions of the certificate, and so on.
Moreover, you can build brand awareness by adding your brand name, logo, and background themes to the test.
As an easy-to-use and digital-friendly software, Online exam maker have advanced scoring & reporting system.
You can receive and download automated reports and analytics to track candidates' performance. The report will present detailed analysis data, including student statistics, basic exam analysis, question analysis, analysis of prize quizzes, and so on.
You can also assess the test difficulty for the students by checking the exam taken times and pass rate.
Online exam maker has a series of anti-cheating functions to minimize the cheating possibility and make the exam safer.
For example, randomizing questions, limiting the times of switching screens, and setting a limited answer time for each question can prevent cheating efficiently.
Webcam invigilation and screen recording are ideal for monitoring and proctoring the behavior of the candidates in real-time.
In addition, our face recognition can identify the candidates and ensure that candidates take the exam themselves.
Our secure and intelligent online exam platform supports over 10,000 candidates to test on PC side or mobile phones simultaneously. Suitable for businesses, schools, organizations, governments, and educational institutions to create tests for training, recruitment, or competition.
Our intelligent exam maker system enables you to import the questions and create the exam quickly. And you can use the features without installation.
As a professional online exam platform, we are committed to providing a completely safe environment for candidates, such as anti-cheating functions, login verification, etc.
You can add a background theme, logo, and name about your brand to increase brand awareness or add pictures, audio, or feedback to make your test more engaging.
Online exam maker enables you to batch import candidates and their photos, which helps you manage candidates easily and apply face recognition.
Once you finish creating the test, our system will automatically generate a link and QR code for you to share your test with candidates with one click.
Not only will we help you automatically score, but also generate detailed reports and analytics based on the test situation to help you evaluate the test and candidates.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.