Don't want to make a quiz from scratch? Get started with our ready-to-use online quiz questions & answers.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
Using video and audio content can not only entice students to be more engaged in the process, but also to be more competitive. Our interactive quiz maker enables them to keep track of other students in a competitive way. Adding video and audio elements to quiz questions can also help in asking more technical and tough questions in a more engaging manner.
With our interactive quiz software, you can create multiple-choice, true or false, matching, fill in the blank and many other types of questions for your exams. You can also save your questions in your question bank and reuse them in your next test.
With so many question types, you can get as creative in your quiz as you want. If you want to create an exam on any subject, using different question types to assess candidates flexibly.
Pre-assigning scores to questions while adding them to the quiz, and our system will calculate the scores once a candidate submit their answers. This powerful function can help teachers save tons of time and energy.
Display the feedback for correct or incorrect answers instantly after a question is answered. Therefore, candidates can learn from the mistakes during the quiz.
Once an online quiz went live, it can be taken on any online device such as desktops, laptops and mobiles. This means, no matter where the exam taker is present, the quiz can be conducted at any time from anywhere.
OnlineExamMaker also allows more students to conduct a test at any given time. Just share the link of the quiz or test with all of the respective learner email ids and it's done.
Import questions in bulk from your device using an Excel template file. You can also edit questions from scratch in our Question Editor.
Enrich the questions with video, audio, or images in our Online Question Editor to deliver interactive quiz experience to candidates.
Create a new quiz and add questions, configure quiz settings to get started.
Simply send the quiz link to your learners and they can access it via mobile, tablet, desktop, or laptop.
Simply copy and insert a few lines of embed codes to display your online quiz on your website, landing page, or WordPress blog.
Set a time limit for the entire exam, for each question. Enforce candidates to complete the quiz before deadline.
Import bulk questions to your question bank at the same time from your computer by using specific format excel or word document.
Each time someone starts a quiz, the system automatically randomizes the questions from the question bank.
During the exam, the candidate's screen and web camera are recorded and presented in the in the dashboard of exam administrators lively.
Segment candidates into groups. Easily assign the created quiz to a group containing multiple candidates to assess particular learners directly.
Yes, just register an account, you can use OnlineExamMaker for free forever. No credit card required.
Yes. Email support, live support, FAQ, and online documentation, we are trying our best to help our customers.
You can create 3 exams (50 quiz attempts each exam per month) for free. After you upgrade to Premium plan, you can create unlimited quizzes in OnlineExamMaker.
If you want to enrich a questions with video, you need to edit the question in our Question Editor, then upload a video then insert it into the question.
OnlineExamMaker provides multiple anti-cheating settings, including randomize questions, access code, face recognition, and AI proctoring.
Yes, you can use OnlineExamMaker Certificate Editor to make customized quiz certificate for students.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.