Free to create Secure to test Easy to assess
Step 1: Add and customize the questions in the question bank.
Step 2: Set up the time, login option, and anti-cheating functions.
Step 3: Share the test via social media, website, email, or message.
Step 4: Evaluate your candidates according to score results and detailed analysis.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
With multiple question types like Multiple Choice, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Essay, etc., you can add questions and possible answers in a flash. It is convenient to store questions in our question bank and add them according to the category you named in the next test. Moreover, you are available to import questions in bulk using excel or word documents with specific formats.
Our software is equipped with the functionality that you need to create a professional test. For example, you can limit the time of the whole test or each question, set the login options, add instant feedback, and customize the test with your brand elements.
To proctor and constraint your candidates' behavior, our intelligent evaluation software provides AI-based Face ID Verification to identify the candidates, webcam monitoring to take photos or record videos, and lockdown browser to prevent searching for answers online.
With just a single click you can randomize the questions or shuffle the order of questions. Same set of questions but now a new test so that candidates can't communicate the answer with each other. Limiting the times of interruption and switching the screen are also efficient ways to minimize the cheating possibility.
Our evaluation software will automatically score and grade the test according to the pre-assigned points of each question, which save your time efficiently and reduce your workload. As for subjective questions like the essay, you can add sub-administrators to share out the score work.
Moreover, you can get a full detailed report about completed or pending tests by date time, score, groups, and names. The basic test information, question data analysis, classification analysis, proctor log report during the test, etc. can help you evaluate cumulative performance and find out the top candidates in a flash.
Our candidate evaluation software is designed to merge functionality and practicability. Suitable for corporates to train employees and make hiring decisions, schools to distribute regular tests and manage students, and the government to release survey tests and learn public opinions.
In addition to evaluation, each industry can get paid by authoring and monetizing the course for your candidates with ease. Just share it with more candidates via social media, embedded on the website, or email notification anytime.
The delightful certificate decorated with test scores and your brand elements can encourage your students.
You can add, edit and delete the candidates' information in bulk and create a category to group them.
Our software enables you to edit email templates and send them to your candidates in bulk.
Our user-friendly interface enables the candidates to take the test on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer.
You can add the basic information of the test and decorate with your brand logo, color, or theme.
Our advanced software enables your test to prevent unauthorized access and keep all data safe.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.