Article Cases of Online Exam Maker

Hundreds of thousands of examinations have been conducted

Stable and reliable online examination system

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  • Third article example


    Working in Microsoft Word, I often need some “junk” text to play around with, for various reasons: * I’m designing a document and don’t want to get bogged down in what the text actually says. * I’m creating a template with various paragraph styles and need to see what they will look like. * I’m creating a macro and need some text for testing purposes. * I’m trying to learn more about some fe...
  • Second test article


    Working in Microsoft Word, I often need some “junk” text to play around with, for various reasons: * I’m designing a document and don’t want to get bogged down in what the text actually says. * I’m creating a template with various paragraph styles and need to see what they will look like. * I’m creating a macro and need some text for testing purposes. * I’m trying to learn more about some fe...
  • How we provide online proctors?


    Now online exam proctoring has been around for in different formats. With Online Exam Proctoring, a candidate will be monitored online during the test duration typically with the help of online proctoring measures. Onlineexam proctoring enables students to write a test honestly online in a remote location, while maintaining the integrity of the test. This proctoring measuresis then used to flag any irregular student behaviour. How O...
  • 2020 Christmas Holiday Notice


    Here we are going to notice all the students that the classes will be suspended for one day on 25. December. ——Teaching department
  • rthrthrethre




  • Capacitación en Seguridad


    Parte 1: La necesidad de proteger Existen muchos riesgos, algunos más graves que otros. Entre estos peligros se encuentran el ransomware y el malware que borran todo su sistema, un atacante que ingresa a su sistema y altera archivos, un atacante que usa su computadora para atacar a otros o un atacante que roba la información de su tarjeta de crédito y realiza compras no autorizadas. No hay garantía de que...
  • A new article


    this is a test new article please enjoy Powered by Froala Editor
  • Another test Article


    happy new year hahahah Powered by Froala Editor
  • This is A Test Article


    what a beautiful day thank you very much good luck
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