When small-scale enterprises or institutions conduct online exams, cost control is one of the issues they need to think about. As the developer of the online exam system, we provide users with a free version of the examination system, which can...
When small-scale enterprises or institutions conduct online exams, cost control is one of the issues they need to think about. As the developer of the online exam system, we provide users with a free version of the examination system, which can...
Whether it is online or offline exams, in order to prevent candidates from cheating, invigilation is one of the essential anti-cheating methods. In order to prevent candidates from cheating and ensure the smooth progress of the exam during remote invigilation, as a...
Online education ensures the normal development of educational activities in educational institutions during the COVID-19. In the post-pandemic era, online courses and remote exams will provide greater opportunities for educational institutions to grow. So what kind of solution will the online...
The conduct of online exams requires the collaboration of multiple people. Especially for offline exams, exam venue, the printing of exam papers, and invigilators are needed. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, online exam system has been widely used, and online examinations have...
Online exam system is the main tool for conducting online examinations. As the technology becomes more and more mature, the examination system is widely used. For educational institutions, an examination system such as an Online Exam Maker can also be a marketing...
Advances in technology have made it possible for exams to be conducted not just offline. In the new era, organizing and participating in exams are more convenient. Whether during COVID-19 or in the post-pandemic era, more and more people are successfully...
Since COVID-19, more and more schools and institutions have moved exams from offline to online. As a new form of exam, online exam brings convenience to people. In the post-epidemic era, the number of users of the online exam system continues to...
With the pandemic, employment has changed dramatically in many countries and regions. Most of the recruitment of new employees of enterprises has shifted from offline to online. For some companies, this is a new way of recruiting. In order to...
More and more enterprises and schools conduct online exams. Online proctoring is an anti-cheating measure in online exams, which not only brings convenience to people, but also ensures the fairness of exams. As an efficient way to conduct exams, taking Online...
No matter it is online or offline exam, especially in large-scale exam, establishing exam specifications allows candidates to follow the same exam rules, avoiding confusion during the exam and allowing it to run smoothly. So how to set up an...