Category: Learning Management

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How to Access and Use Canvas LMS Support & Help Resources?

While most Learning Management Systems overwhelm, Canvas LMS makes a differentiation in this regard with strong support resources targeted at instructors and students. Known for its depth of support structure, Canvas tries to assure that users get technical help any...

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How to Create and Manage Groups within A Canvas Course Online?

It is important for both educators and administrators to manage effective development and control of groups within a Learning Management System (LMS). Doing this will help in different ways including while organizing students, facilitating conversations or giving out duties for...

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How to Import and Export Course Content in Canvas LMS?

Do you find your instructional materials still useful after utilizing them in your previous class? But don’t know how to reuse them in an online class platform? Canvas LMS has good news for you! You can add your materials by...

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How to Track Student Progress with Canvas Analytics?

Improvement is how one walks towards a goal, but how do you keep track of your students' learning progress in just one easy view? Worry not, because Canvas got you! The built-in analytic tools of Canvas can undoubtedly help you...

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How to Adjust Course Settings and Permissions in Canvas?

In LMS like Canvas, there are important technicalities one should know to make usage smooth and more customized. Course settings and permissions should not be overlooked for they define your course functions, the people who can access your post, and...

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How to Utilize Canvas LMS Discussion Boards Effectively?

It is best to learn when creativity is welcomed in the class! Are you tired of the routinary method of plain discussions in class? Why not try these interactive features of the Canvas LMS Discussion Board? This is an online...

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How to Embed Media Content in Canvas LMS?

Do you want to have more interactive learning in class? Media content is here to help you improve your teaching methods to explain, illustrate, and give your students a first-hand experience of your subject matter. Embedding media content on your...

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How to Set Up Notifications and Alerts in Canvas?

Tired of missing important announcements in your class? How about cramming on a task you should finish on time, but problems occur because you weren’t updated or notified about its deadline? These are the concerns most students and teachers face...

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How to Optimize Canvas LMS for Mobile and Tablet Use?

Who says learning can't be that convenient? These modern devices such as mobile phones and tablets are the easiest technology for online class learning because all you need can be accessed within your reach anytime of the day and wherever...

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How to Set Up Peer Reviews in Canvas Assignments?

One of the ways to help you improve yourself is to receive from and render help to others. That's why students need to be involved in peer reviews to make learning worthwhile through the collaborative and more engaging process of...

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