We all know that there are actually many mature online exam systems on the market, but not all of them can meet everyone's online exam needs. An Online Exam System may also have its limitations, such as functional loss, or...
We all know that there are actually many mature online exam systems on the market, but not all of them can meet everyone's online exam needs. An Online Exam System may also have its limitations, such as functional loss, or...
A job interview often begins with a written test, especially when you are applying for a job related to language or technology using. Why recommend enterprises to conduct the online exam? Speaking from my own experience as an employee, I’ve...
Washington state announced a stay-at-home order on March 23. An artist in America, called Weng, with 2 children age 5 and 7, had already spent 3 weeks at home due to the suspension of classes in her children school district....
How much does it cost to organize an exam? For any business, educational institution, and school, organizing an exam requires certain costs, such as paper printing expenses, labor and time costs. How can we organize an exam more simply? Nowadays,...
There is full of uncertainty about the coronavirus with our lack of understanding of it. The future of the students remains unknown since most of the exams have been suspended. In fact, several colleges have taken the online exams such...
Although the coronavirus is still in a hard period, applications for full-time jobs and internship opportunities continue to be accepted and processed. Given the uncertainty around the spread of COVID-19, in most countries many kinds of enterprises have moved entirely...
Schools and enterprises across the countries suffering from the exposing coronavirus have been forced to close amid fears that they could help spread the virus. Especially for schools, we have known that a number of schools have conducted classes and...
Maybe from the perspective of a manager who has not used the online exam system will be confused with those questions, do they need to hire someone who knows technology to help him organize online exams? Do they still need...
Up to now, the coronavirus confirmed cases are increasing worldwide sharply. According to recent report, a staff of Stanford University was confirmed. Students of several colleges were isolated to have a medical observation. Since the school is a high-rate people-gathering place,...
Does online exam system support to select questions at random from question bank to build up an exam? This is not a problem now. If we want to make the test questions different for each candidate, we can achieve it through...