Category: Blog


10 Behaviors that will be Prohibited in Online Quizzes

Online exams are not new to most people. Not only schools, but also institutions and enterprises in other industries have gradually shifted offline exams to online exams. In order to ensure the fairness of the test, anti-cheating has become one of...

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What is Online Exam Security & How to Do it?

The development of technology has propelled the development of the whole society, and more and more schools shift towards online exams. It will be the trend of future education. The improvement of quiz maker makes it easier to carry out online exams....

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Why Automated Proctoring is Needed in an Online Exam?

Although online exams are a new way of taking exams, it seems that candidates have more chances to cheat on exams. Regardless of the type of online exam, test organizers need to pay more attention to cheating. Obviously, if a...

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How does Quiz Maker Make E-certificate Exams more Credible?

At present, it is not only schools and enterprises that often conduct online exams, but test centers are also increasingly inclined to find another new way to conduct exams. Some exam centers also offer online certificate exams for candidates. It not...

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How do Virtual Recruitment Tests Work?

Virtual recruitment conducted online has now become a way for more and more companies to conduct recruitment. This new recruiting method is more responsive to changes in the external environment. Imagine that under the influence of the external environment, when the...

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What will be the Solution for Competency Testing on Assessment Platform?

The development of technology has promoted the paperless examination process. Not only schools, but many companies have turned their employees' ability tests such as theoretical knowledge assessments online. Even though enterprises have rich experience in offline assessment, they will still encounter...

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How Online Exam Tools Help Secondary School Exams Go Online

Exams are conducted regularly in secondary schools. Frequently conducting offline exams will cost a lot. Therefore, online testing is the best exam solution. As a provider of online testing tools, we will tell you in this article how the testing system will...

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How does Exam System Help Online Quiz Competitions?

Online assessments are often used for these types of exams. For example, knowledge competitions, ability assessments, recruitment examinations, employee assessments, etc. Quiz maker helps people solve problems they have in taking exams, so large assessments can also be taken online. In this...

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What Problems can be Avoided by Using Quiz Maker to Conduct Exams?

While online exams are being carried out more and more frequently, it also promotes the development of the technology of online exam tool. With the continuous development of technology, practical online tools solve many problems that people encounter in real life....

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What Changes will Affect Online Exams in the Future?

With the development of technology, there are more and more users conducting online exams. Especially for large-scale enterprises and educational institutions, online exam is the main method for talent assessment, ability examination and so on. Online exams have brought great...

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