How does Quiz Maker Make E-certificate Exams more Credible?

At present, it is not only schools and enterprises that often conduct online exams, but test centers are also increasingly inclined to find another new way to conduct exams. Some exam centers also offer online certificate exams for candidates. It not only breaks the geographical restrictions, but also the electronic certificate is easier to save. However, how is the authenticity of the e-certificate exam guaranteed? We have provided testing services for several testing centers, we will tell you everything about e-certificate testing in this article.

Are e-certificate valid and unique? How do candidates get it?

The quiz maker called Online Exam Maker can be an online exam tool to create online certificate exams. Each certificate in the system has a unique code, candidate information and information about the certificate authority, which can effectively ensure the authenticity of the certificate.

It easy for candidates to obtain certificate. When creating an exam, the system administrator can set the rules for candidates to obtain certificates. For example, candidates who achieve 60% of the total score can obtain a certificate automatically issued by the examination system.

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Exam system automatically issues certificate

How to make online certificate exams more credible?

Online certificate exams are one type of online exams. The key to ensuring that online test scores are credible is to prevent test-takers from cheating. Online Exam Maker provides a variety of powerful anti-cheating functions for test organizers for several cheating behaviors commonly used by candidates. Full screen exam locks candidates’ screens, prohibiting candidates from using third-party software or devices to cheat; Screen switching limit prevents candidates from switching windows to find answers; Intelligent anti-cheating detection automatically detects test-takers’ behavior and sends cheating warnings; Random selection of test questions prevents test takers from copying each other, etc.

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powerful anti-cheating functions in exam system

Online certificate exams not only provide a new mode of organizing and taking exams for exam organizers and candidates, but also provide a new possibility for obtaining certificates. The e-certificate exam, like the online exam, has no industry restrictions. As long as the test taker’s scores meet the requirements, they can obtain a certificate automatically issued by the system. If you also need to conduct a certificate exam, please click the “Sign up” button on the page to experience the test function of the quiz maker for free.