With online exam software, how many candidates may take the test simultaneously?

As a general rule, if hundreds of candidates take the same exam online at the same time, the website will easily crash and the exam will not go smoothly. So when organizers buy online exam software, they need to pay...

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Here we provide a free trial version of Online Exam System

Compared with traditional examination, online exam system can realize high efficiency and low cost. The online examination system can be applied in many fields,through basic settings, different test modes can be set, such as regular exams, knowledge contests, questionnaires, prize...

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What’s the price of online exam software?

Conducting an exam in a traditional way can be time-consuming, which requires paper printed, teachers proctoring and classroom available. And under the impact of COVID-19, a large number of schools are shut down all over the world, which makes it...

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How to Choose the Right Online Exam Software

With the development of the internet, science and technology, online exam software has been developing for years. Nowadays, there is a wad of online exam software in the market. But it can be confusing for customers to choose the right...

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Is there any online exam system in which a student can take exams in his mobile?

With the development of the online exam system, a large number of examinations are conducted online nowadays, especially under the effect of COVID-19. Students can take the exams online from their home using computer. However, it is more convenient for...

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How does an online exam system work to prevent cheating?

Normally, proctors are always there to prevent students from cheating when there is an exam taking. It is hardly surprising that the exam order would be terrible without teachers proctoring. However, due to the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019, many offline...

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How Do I Create an Online Exam System

Traditionally, examinations are conducted offline with paper and pens. However, there is not much  possibility to organise exams normally under the effect of the pandemic out of the consideration of the health of both students and teachers. An online exam...

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Can We Use Online Exam System For Online Knowledge Contest?

Online knowledge quizzes can be created with an online exam system. How to develop an online knowledge quiz quickly and efficiently? Many schools, enterprises and government agencies would choose Online Exam Maker to organize knowledge contests. Online Exam Maker, a...

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How Can One Build An Online Exam Platform?

The education mode has been updated rapidly. Especially in the face of the COVID-19 this year, it is difficult to carry out the offline examination and assessment. So it is necessary to transition from offline examination to online, and a...

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Who Provides The Best Web-Based Online Exam System?

Internet is generating efficient means of communication that affect diverse areas as business, entertainment and education. Students’ academic performances were evaluated via paper-based assignments and tests before the influx of information technology. Since progress in IT has advanced significantly, web-based...

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