Online exam is not the only way to conduct exam, but their development make exam creation more convenient. If you have any of the following questions while conducting the exam, then the online exam will be more suitable for...
Online exam is not the only way to conduct exam, but their development make exam creation more convenient. If you have any of the following questions while conducting the exam, then the online exam will be more suitable for...
We have shared with you the guidelines for choosing an online exam system in previous articles, the operation of the system is also very important. As a new user using the exam system for the first time, it is easy to make...
In the past, teachers needed to improve their own teaching ability. With the continuous impact of technology on people's lives, teachers should not only enhance their own teaching ability, but also improve their ability to operate teaching tools. Obviously,...
Online exams have undoubtedly become a popular exam mode adopted by schools and enterprises during the COVID-19. Because the epidemic has made most people work and study from home, people's normal work and study life cannot be paused for a long...
COVID-19 is catastrophic for us human beings. Although it has brought too many negative effects on people, it has also promoted the development of technology to a certain extent. Online exam system is the most obvious example. At present, many people...
On many popular social media platforms, there are often many questions and answers about "how to cheat on online exams". Many candidates taking online exams for the first time do not know how proctoring works in online exams, so "no one...
In response to educational issues in the context of the pandemic, online exams have become one of the most commonly used exam methods in schools in many countries and regions. However, in the process of carrying out the test, problems...
As an online exam system provider, when we serve multiple users' exams, we found the facts and trends about online exams which can help more users take the right attitude towards online exams. Online exams are more popular. Compared with the...
As most people know, the conduction of online exams has changed the previous exam model, allowing exams to be more flexible. Especially during the pandemic, when people need to stay at home, it can be said that the online exam system is...
Whether it is an online test or an offline test, there are several steps: test questions creation, exam creation, candidate information creation, test papers correction, test data analysis and so on. Online exams have become the product of social development, and...