Whether it is student in school or an employee in enterprise, because of the unfamiliarity of the operation in online exam system, they may have various problems in online exams. As a supplier of exam system, the following is the questions from candidates and solutions from Online Exam Maker about online exams.
Failed to verify identity
Before exams, candidates need to verify identity. Facial recognition failure is a major factor in authentication failures. The main reasons for the failure of face recognition are as follows: the light in the surrounding environment of the candidate during face recognition is too bright or too dark; the face recognition is not performed by the candidate himself; face occlusion, etc. In order to solve the above problems, our team has optimized and upgraded the face recognition in Online Exam Maker, enhanced the sensitivity of face recognition and set up a face frame to improve the probability of successful face recognition.
Slow to answer questions
For candidates who often participate in offline exams, the answering method of online exams, especially essay questions, is very troublesome for candidates. For test takers who type slowly, it will affect their answering speed. Candidates are allowed to upload pictures, documents and other attachments to answer questions, which will reduce the time candidates spend on answering questions.
Difficult to ensure exam fairness
It is not fair for candidates to cheat in online exams. In Online Exam Maker, there are various anti-cheating functions to ensure the exam fairness. Screen switching limited, intelligent anti-cheating detection, prohibit copying and pasting of test questions, etc.
Long time to get grades
In Online Exam Maker, all objective type questions such as multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and true or false questions are automatically corrected by the system. Subjective questions require manual correction, and the super administrator can grant sub-administrators the authority to correct, allowing them to collaborate together, which will shorten the time for candidates to obtain results.
Easily effected by networks and devices
It is obvious that online exams are susceptible to network and exam equipment. The number of people participating in the online examination at the same time has a great influence on the stability of the online exam system. It is high concurrency for Online Exam Maker which can support simultaneous online exams of more than 10,000 people. If the test is interrupted due to network instability, the system will automatically save the test progress, and candidates can continue to answer the test after re-entering the test.
Online exams make it easier for people to take exams and for candidates to take exams. If you also need to conduct an online exam for candidates, please click the “Sign up” button on the upper right of the page to try the exam function in Online Exam Maker for free.