When visiting our website, you will find that there are 2 kinds of exam system:Online Exam Maker and LAN Exam Maker. Some users will have doubts about this, which one should they choose? Which one is better? In fact, no...
When visiting our website, you will find that there are 2 kinds of exam system:Online Exam Maker and LAN Exam Maker. Some users will have doubts about this, which one should they choose? Which one is better? In fact, no...
Schools and educational institutions in China have to postpone the start of school due to the epidemic. Officials said local governments should arrange the postponement of school open days based on the local epidemic situation. Traditional schools embrace online learning...
Are you a teacher who have a huge question bank and rich teaching experience? Why not earn extra income from paid exam? Come to make your knowledge valuable! Teachers can use our online exam maker to create paid exam and...
Hello to all of our dear customer, we are very glad to let's you know, we have upgrade Online Exam Maker to a brand new version, with much more important features, I will list below. Much more user friendly website,...
The premise of creating an online exam is a rich question bank. This means that the online exam system should also have an intelligent question bank management module. Therefore, users of online exam system also attach importance to the functions...
Many companies now need an online exam system to conduct business assessments of employees, and to strengthen employee learning through online examination systems. However, many examination systems on the market are relatively rough in the treatment of cheating. Today we...
The online examination system required by the campus is best to meet the needs of the school's random exams, intelligent scoring, etc., to support long-term exam requirements, or at least to support more than 2,000 online exam tasks of 5,000...
When one sign up our online exam maker and want to create his online exam, he must upload the test question first. The question bank management system has great application value, which makes our paper creating work easy and enjoyable. How...
Online exams do not need to be printed or organized. Renting an online exam maker is not only environmentally friendly but also very cost effective. Many industries now have training, exams, exercises, and so on. Therefore, they will use the online exam maker. Which...
Nowadays, many enterprises will use an online exam maker for training and testing employees. Why?And what problems can be solved by choosing an online exam maker for corporate training ? The competition among enterprises is essentially the competition of talents.Enterprises...