How to Assign Online Homework?

quiz maker

With the increasing popularity of online courses, many schools and institutions have launched online courses. However, homework for online courses is also inevitable. Online Exam Maker as an practical quiz maker, let’s take a look at the effect of using it to create homework for students.

  1. Questions can be edited online, which means that teachers can modify the questions at any time, and the revised questions can be immediately effective and applied to the test paper.
  2. After the teacher has finished editing the question, he can set a validity period for the homework.It doesn’t work if students pass the deadline to enter the exam. This means that students who fail to answer the question will lose their scores, which can ensure that the students complete the homework on time.
  3. Teachers can set the group questions. That is to say teachers can prepare assignments of different difficulty for candidates with different abilities, which will be conducive to the balanced development of students.
  4. Although what is created in the quiz maker is an exam, the teacher can turn on the practice mode in the system. After students answer the question, they can immediately know whether their answer is correct, and the answer to the question will also be displayed.
  5. After the teacher corrects the test paper online, the students can also check the teacher’s comments while checking their own grades.
  6. In order to prevent students from forgetting to do their homework, teachers can send homework link in the system to notify students to answer the questions via email.

In fact, homework is also a form of testing. A professional quiz maker can help teachers reduce the burden on work. Click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to get a free trail of Online  Exam Maker.