How does Exam System Help Online Quiz Competitions?

Online assessments are often used for these types of exams. For example, knowledge competitions, ability assessments, recruitment examinations, employee assessments, etc. Quiz maker helps people solve problems they have in taking exams, so large assessments can also be taken online. In this article we will tell you how the exam system helps knowledge competitions to solve the problem?

What are the problems when conducting offline knowledge competitions?

  1. There are a large number of people participate in the competition, the organizer needs to manually collect the information of the participants and arrange the venue, which will take a lot of time and energy.
  2. The offline knowledge competitions difficult to control, such as the exam time.
  3. The distribution of prizes is chaotic, and some participants did not get the corresponding prizes.
  4. Offline knowledge competitions are mostly in the form of quick answers, which are not interesting enough to attract more people to participate.

How can solve the problems with the help of exam system?

  • With the help of quiz maker, users can conduct large-scale knowledge competitions online.All processes of knowledge competitions such as registration, examination, scoring, and awarding can be carried out online. The examination system collects candidate information online, and the knowledge competition is carried out online, reducing manual investment.

quiz maker

  • Multiple exam settings help establish competition rules. In Online Exam Maker,when administrators create test questions, they can set the validity period of the competition, time limit for answering questions, anti-cheating, etc. The competition will be carried out in an orderly manner.

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  • Rewards such as certificates are automatically issued by the examination system. After the test, the test system will automatically correct the objective type questions such as multiple-choice questions, true or false questions, etc. Participants will be able to get the results of the competition in a short time. At the same time, administrators can view data such as grades and rankings in the system. The test system will automatically issue certificates to candidates who achieve the specified scores.

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  • The competition will be more interesting.There are 10 types of test questions in the online test system to make the questions of the competition more abundant; prize quiz the difficulty of the test questions to be gradually advanced.

Online knowledge competition is a new way for people to conduct and take exam. If you also need to conduct a large-scale knowledge competition, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to get a free trial opportunity of the examination system.