Online exams allow candidates from different locations to take the same exam online. Under normal circumstances, candidates who take the online exam do not have the opportunity to participate in the training at the designated offline location. It should be paid attention by test organizers. To help candidates achieve high scores, it is a good idea for test organizers to prepare learning materials for candidates before the exam. We will let you know how it can be done.
What leaning system or e-learning library is viable?
In order to make the online exam more convenient, we recommend users to conduct the online exam in Online Exam Maker. Online Exam Maker is not only an online exam system, but also online learning system. Creating exam and course in the same system can not only save costs, but also make it easier to conduct online exams.
How can test organizers and test takers work for it?
- Before creating a course, the test organizer can upload the learning materials to the courseware library in Online Exam Maker. Audio, video, picture, PDF and other files can be uploaded to the system. Once all learning materials have been uploaded, the exam organizer can create a course. Titles, descriptions, etc. of each chapter in the course need to be filled in. Learning materials that have been uploaded to the system can also be added to each chapter.
- After the test organizer sends the course link to the candidate, the candidate can enter the course by clicking the link or scanning the QR code. Candidates can study the course online or click the “Download” button to download the learning materials.
Learning module in Online Exam Maker not only provides a learning platform for candidates, in the process of learning, admin can insert test questions in it, candidates can do exercises in learning. Candidates can enter the course at any time as long as the course is valid. If you also need to provide pre-exam learning for candidates who need to take online exams, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to learn more about the exam and learning functions of the online exam system.