How can Assessment Conduction of New Employee be more Convenient?

The assessment of new employees is the best way to test the quality of employee participation in induction training. Since COVID-19, many enterprises have conducted employee assessments online. The combination of technology and assessment has changed the way assessment is carried out.

It is easy for HR to simplify the conduction of employee assessments. They can save a lot of time and effort in conducting exams by choosing a practical online exam system. As a professional exam system supplier, Online Exam Maker will provide high-quality solutions for enterprises.

Exam preservation

Online Exam Maker supports users to upload test questions to the system of question bank in batches, the successfully uploaded test questions can be edited again, which means that the test questions in the question bank can be reused.

online exam system

question bank in Online Exam Maker

In addition, there are a variety of test question types in Online Exam Maker. administrators can select candidates from specific groups to take the exams. It means that exam papers that have been successfully created can be used to assess future new employees. The administrator can select different groups of new employees take the exam according to the content of different test papers, they can also update the content of the test paper at any time.

Ensure the fairness of assessment

In order to prevent new employees from cheating when taking exams, admin should enable the anti-cheating functions in online exam system. For example, the full-screen exam mode that prohibits candidates from switching the screen, the intelligent anti-cheating detection that automatically detects the behavior of candidates by the exam system, and the face recognition before entering the exam, etc.

online exam system

cheating records of test takers

Tracking of new employee assessment

In candidate management of Online Exam Maker, admin can view data such as test records, pass rates, and ability maps of each candidate, which will clearly reflect each new employee’s proficiency in training knowledge. HR and the leader of the employee can more easily track the progress of new employee.

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candidate’s information in Online Exam Maker

Quick Scoring and Analysis

In order to reduce the manual input during the assessment, objective type questions in the test paper such as multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, matching questions, etc. can be automatically corrected. Subjective type questions such as essay will be corrected by the administrator and sub-administrators.

A practical online exam system can not only reduce the steps of examination development, but also reduce the input of examination organizers. If you also need to conduct online assessments for new employees, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to try the examination functions in Online Exam Maker for free.