Large-scale exams are generally conducted offline. In fact, it is more convenient and faster to conduct large-scale exams online. The collection of candidate information is part of the process of online exam. As a supplier of online exam system, according to the needs of users, online collection of candidate information can reduce manual investment. The method of collecting candidate information online may be called online registration in some exam systems.
We need to know the difference between online and offline collection of candidate information. Taking the exam organized by the school as an example, the collection of candidate information for the offline examination is generally completed by the teachers of each class. The whole process is almost done manually and involves a large number of people, so there is a high chance of errors. The collection of candidate information for online examinations can generally be done through the online exam system. The whole process is automatically collected by the system, reducing the error rate.
Online registration is for candidates to fill in their personal information independently in the examination system, admin does not need to manually collect information. In Online Exam Maker, admin can set the personal information to be filled in by candidates according to their needs.
In addition, admin can set the registration form. Registered candidates can be classified into corresponding groups, and administrators can manage them uniformly. You can also set the registration time and the maximum number of people to register.
When the administrator completes all settings, the registration link can be shared with the candidates. Candidates only need to click on the link to enter the registration interface.
The background in Online Exam Maker will record the registration status of candidates, admin can check the actual number of applicants.
Collecting test taker information online can help reduce the workload of test organizers and make online tests more efficient. If you also need to conduct a large-scale online exam, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to get a free trial opportunity for Online Exam Maker.