Online exam is new for candidates, it provide candidates the other viable way to take exams. However, many students cheat on online exams in order to get high marks, even though they already know that cheating on online exams will be punished. Can students successfully cheat by breaking the anti-cheating rules in online exams? This article will let you know the cheating methods that students commonly use in online exams and how the online exam system ensures the fairness of online exams.
Someone takes the exam for candidate
In some important exams, candidates will hire others to take the exam on their behalf in order to obtain high scores. It is high risk to do it because it is easily detected by online exam system. In Online Exam Maker, candidates are required to perform facial recognition when entering the exam. Only successfully identified candidates will be admitted to the exam.
Search for answer
Many candidates believe that in the process of online exams, searching for answers on books or smart devices may successfully cheat. In fact, the test system automatically detects the test taker’s test behavior during the exam. Candidates looking down, looking around, disappearing into the invigilation screen and other suspected cheating behaviors will be detected and recorded in the examination system.
Ask someone for help
In order to prevent candidates from asking for help from the people around them, Online Exam Maker can detect the sound of the candidate’s test environment. If the sound is too loud, the candidate may be judged as cheating.
Connect external devices
In online exams, connecting multiple monitors, screen projection, remotely controlling and so on are the common cheating methods for candidates. They don’t work in Online Exam Maker. If the admin of exam system has enabled the full-screen mode, candidates can only answer questions in the full-screen mode during the exam, but cannot perform other operations.
As the developer of the online exam system, we constantly receive feedback from our users and incorporate them into our feature upgrades to ensure that exams are not only conducted successfully, but also avoid cheating. Click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to try the exam features for free.