In the post-epidemic era, epidemic is not only the reason for schools to conduct online exams. Online exam can break the geographical and time constraints, it offers a new idea for the development of education. Now only exams are very popular, in the future, it will still an important way to conduct exams. As a supplier of an online exam system, some common requirements from teachers are as follows:
- Is the system easy to operate?
- Does the online examcan be ensured the fairness?
- How to manage a large number of test questions?
- How to get the test results of candidates?
Based on the above requirements, Online Exam Maker has its solutions.
About the operation of the system
The SaaS version of Online Exam Maker is commonly used by users. Users don’t need to download software. They only need to register an account on our official website to try our system for free. In order to simplify the operation steps, users only need to complete the four steps of “filling in test paper information, adding test questions, perfecting test paper settings, and publishing test papers” when creating an exam to successfully create a test paper.

four steps to create online exams
About the fairness of the online exams
Many people think that online exams will have more opportunities to cheat than offline exams. However, with the development of the online exam system, the fairness of the online examination can be ensured. There are a variety of anti-cheating functions to prevent cheating in Online Exam Maker. For example, face recognition before the test; during the test, the administrator can invigilate the test conditions in the system. If candidate has suspected cheating, the administrator can see the prompt in the back-end of the system.

face recognition
About managing test questions
Online Exam Maker provides users with a free question bank. Users can upload multiple types of questions to the system in batches, they can also manage these questions in categories. At the same time, the system also has the function of checking the duplicates of test questions, so users don’t have to worry about the duplication of test questions in the question bank, and these test questions can be used multiple times.

manage questions in categories
About test results
Online Exam Maker will automatically correct those questions that have fixed answers, and the administrator can assign other questions to multiple sub-administrators for correction, which speeds up the correction of the test paper and also improves the accuracy of the correction of the test paper. When the test paper is corrected, the system will analyze the corrected results of the test paper, teacher can view the test results in many aspects in the system. This is helpful for teachers to improve test questions and teaching methods.

test results in many aspect
As one of the tools commonly used by teachers in the new era, the online exam system is more mature. If you also want to conduct an online exam, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page, you can try our system for free.