6 Quiz Makers for Creating Tests to Attract Prospects

In today’s competitive marketplace, the ways in which businesses can engage potential customers are becoming increasingly diverse. One of these is the creation of tests, which not only provide an interesting experience, but also build interaction, provide useful information, expand brand awareness, convert leads and much more. By creating tests, companies can capture the interest of potential customers, connect with them and provide valuable information or offers that can drive sales and increase brand loyalty. As a result, creating tests has become an increasingly popular marketing strategy that can help companies build better connections with potential customers and increase sales and brand recognition. This article provides you with 6 useful online test platforms that will hopefully help you with the problem of creating tests.

Online Exam Maker

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Online Exam Maker is a quiz maker. It helps users to quickly create and publish various forms of online tests. Users can use this tool to set up exam papers, manage questions, analyse exams, and set up exam rules, exam times, etc.

Key features:

  • Supports a wide range of test question types. Users can create different types of test questions in Online Exam Maker to attract potential customers, such as multiple choice, matching, true or false, etc. This means that the test system is suitable for all industries to conduct online tests.
  • Customized question bank. Users can save their own created or collected questions in the question bank and these questions can be selected at any time, greatly increasing the efficiency of creating tests.
  • Data analysis. Powerful test data analysis will help users to quickly analyse the preferences of potential customers.


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TestInvite is an online testing and assessment platform for use in recruitment, education and training. It offers various types of tests and assessments, including skills tests, cognitive ability tests, behavior interviews and questionnaires.

Key features:

  • Customized Users can set test content, time limits, difficulty etc.
  • Integration with other applications.
  • Friendly interface. The interface is simple, intuitive and easy to operate.


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TestGenius is a provider of online testing and assessment solutions designed to provide efficient and reliable talent selection and assessment services to organizations such as businesses, schools and governments. The platform uses AI technology and data analytic to ensure test accuracy and fairness, while also offering a wide range of test types and customization options to meet the needs of different sectors and industries.

Key features:

  • Customization: TestGenius offers a wide range of test types and customization options, allowing users to tailor test content, scoring criteria, report formats, etc. to their needs.
  • Flexibility: It supports multi-language and multi-device use, and is flexible in terms of when and where tests can be taken. Users can test and view results anytime, anywhere.
  • Reliability: The testing tools and algorithms are scientifically validated and field-tested to ensure the reliability and validity of test results.

Zoho Survey

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Zoho Survey is an online survey and research platform for creating various types of tests and quizzes, including multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions.

Key features:

  • Integration with other Zoho applications: Zoho Survey can be integrated with other Zoho applications, such as Zoho CRM and Zoho Campaigns, for more efficient marketing and customer relationship management.
  • Custom reports: Users can customize various charts and reports as needed to better understand the data collected.
  • Data protection: Zoho Survey uses the SSL encryption protocol to protect the security of questionnaire data. In addition, users can set passwords to restrict access to the questionnaires.

Think Exam

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Think Exam is an online examination and assessment solution designed to meet the assessment needs of educational institutions, businesses and government agencies. Moreover, its visual analysis and reporting features provide a quick overview of participants’ answers.

Key features:

  • Responsive design: Its interface is designed to be responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes and device types to enhance the user experience.
  • Multi-language support: It supports multiple languages and can provide better service to users from different regions or countries.
  • Flexibility: It provides flexible test modes such as timed and untimed modes, customized tests, etc. to meet various needs.


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FormAssembly is an enterprise-grade online form building and data collection platform that enables users to quickly create highly customization forms, surveys, registration forms and other types of forms, and to collect and integrate data with other systems.

Key features:

  • Users can customize the fonts, colors, layouts and fields of their forms as required, as well as adding their own CSS and JavaScript.
  • Rich reporting capabilities: FormAssembly provides a variety of real-time statistical and analytical tools that allow users to easily view aggregated, graphical and exported reports of form data.
  • Easy to use: Its user-friendly, easy-to-use interface requires no programming experience to create and deploy forms.