Discussions about online examinations have been ongoing. Not only schools will carry out online examinations during the epidemic, but many companies will also carry out online examinations for employee training in the post-epidemic period. Although online exams are well known by more and more people, there are still some people who oppose online exams for the following reasons.
- Many people gothigher scores on online exams than offline exams because they cheated during the exam. For other test takers, the cheating test is meaningless.
- Some test questions may have formula and chart questions, online exams seem to be difficult to meet this type of demand.
- Some candidates are slow to type,online exams often take them more time. They may not be able to complete the exam and get unexpectedly poor results.
- Some online exams require candidates to download various software before the exam.It is not convenient for candidates to participate an online exam.
The above problems can be solve easily. Those who oppose online exams may not use a suitable online exam system, and thus cannot feel the convenience of online exams. Online Exam Maker which is one of the most professional online examination systems with powerful features can meet the needs of most of people.
- Candidates don’t need to download the software to participate the exam they can login their account on the website to take the exam.
- There are various anti-cheating functions in Online Exam Maker, such as face recognition, screen switching limit, online surveillanceduring exam and so on. Many people love to use this system because it can ensure the fairness of the exam.
- The system supports many types of test questions, it can meet the needs to carry out various exams.
- Candidates can enter the answer manually or upload the answer by taking a photo, it can save time for candidates to answer the questions.
Online Exam Maker can make the exams more convenient. If you are also interested in online exams, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page for more details of the online exam system.