The way to build up your own online exam platform

Our online exam system, Online Exam Maker, supports users to upload their company logo to show their brand and make it look like your own system.
√ Your own branding on the Exam and Report.
√ You can brand for customers.
√ You can control the contents displaying to match your brand.
√ Includes option for personalized sub-domains, for example:

Each user has signed up in our Online Exam Maker owns a home page or online exam platform which can be worked as user’s personal page.
The following picture is an example of a home page.

In the home page, users can make settings on 5 sectors: Header, Contents Displaying , Banners, Advertisements, Footer.
❀ Users can set a customized domain by using corporate links to build their own brand. The link will be more secure with encryption.
❀ For the Header, users can upload their own logo and the title of their home page.
❀ Users can display their exams and the according taken times on their home page. The title and taken times of the exams can be viewed.
❀ For the Banners and Advertisements, users can upload pictures and according links. The advertisement part can help users to promote their own products. Achieve many things at one stroke.
❀ For the Footer, users can insert their contacting information, according links, and graphic information.

Want to know more about how to customize Home Page, click to obtain detailed instruction.
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