A lot of enterprises and schools are using online exam system to carry out online exam and online training under the influence of the COVID-19. Online Exam Maker as one of the mature online examination systems in China is popular at present. The system is stable and supports multitude candidates to take the exam at the same time. It is easy for users to create an exam, four steps can make an exam completed. Many settings for the the test, such as anti-cheating and so on. After the exam is over, teachers can view the candidates’ data on the back-end of the system. Online Exam Maker is known as an examination system. In fact, it has a practical function that cannot be ignored, that is, questionnaire function.
- Create questionnaires easily. The creation of the questionnaire is as simple as the creation of the test paper, which saves the user’s creation time.
- A variety of custom settings. Users can make a variety of custom settings for the questionnaire, such as limiting the number of times to fill out, setting the opening time of the questionnaire, etc., and can also upload the brand’s logo, which makes the questionnaire more brand-specific.
- There are multitudes of channels to distribute questionnaires. They can be distributedon social media platform, website or email, it is more convenient for people to receive them.
- Convenient data collection and analysis. After the questionnaire is collected, the system will automatically analyze the data.Users can view various types of data analysis in the back-end of system.
Online Exam Maker is known by more and more people because of its powerful functions and practicality. In the future, we continue to improve and develop more functions to meet people’s needs. If you are also interested in the online exam system, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to have a try.