With the development of the online exam system, a large number of examinations are conducted online nowadays, especially under the effect of COVID-19. Students can take the exams online from their home using computer. However, it is more convenient for the students if they can take exams in their mobile. In that case, they do not need to turn on computer purposely to take exams and mobile phones are more portable so they can take the exams wherever they are. Also, it will solve the question of students not having a computer.
So is there any online exam system in which a student can take exams in his mobile? Of course! OnlineExamMaker is such an online exam system.
It is really simple for administrators to create an exam in OnlineExamMaker. And after the exam is created, the administrators can copy the link or download the QR Code of the exam and share to their students using social applications like Facebook, Twitter and so on .
Students can click the link or scan the QR Code of the exam to enter the test and fill in the candidates’ information to log in.
After logging in, students can start answering the questions. And after the paper is submitted, the system will score automatically, which will greatly reduce the teacher’s burden. What’s more, students can view the question details, the ranking and the score report.
Click here to apply for a free account of OnlineExamMaker!