Tag: online proctoring


How do Online Schools Prevent Cheating

Abstract: There are several functions that can assist with teachers in preventing cheating in online exams. If you are interested in cheating prevention, this passage is worth reading. For schools, exams are to test students’ learning outcomes, which means that...

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Online exam software with AI Proctoring

AI proctoring, i.e. artificial intelligent proctoring provided by online exam software, can prevent students from cheating effectively. What is the advantages of using AI Proctoring? To use the AI Proctoring to conduct an online exam, there is no need for...

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Online Proctoring Services for High-Stakes Exams, Professional Certification or Recruitment

What is Online Exam Proctoring? Online proctoring is a method of remote proctoring where an online proctor supervises an online exam in real-time via the test-takers’ webcam and computer screen operations.The proctoring services are used to ensure the authenticity of the candidates and look for malpractice...

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