Online exams are designed to provide exam organizers with a quick and easy way to conduct exams and a convenient way for candidates to take the exam. The biggest advantage of online exams for candidates is that they can take the exam without leaving home. However, for most candidates, taking an online exam is a complex and error-prone process. As a professional online exam system, Online Exam Maker can solve the problems encountered by candidates in the online examination.
Complex exam process
Candidates need to take the online exam in exam system. The complex exam process will make it harder for candidates to take the exam when they are still not familiar with the exam system. Online Exam Maker can candidates spending a lot of time familiarizing themselves with the operation of the system while taking the exam. Candidates do not need to download the software and can enter the exam by clicking on the exam link shared by the exam organizer.

exam link for candidates to enter exam
Unstable network causes exam interruption
During the exam, due to the unstable network, candidates may encounter sudden interruption of the exam and candidates withdraw from the exam. Online Exam Maker will keep the test taker’s answering process, and the test taker only needs to re-enter the test when the network is stable to continue answering the test, the questions that have been answered will not be affected.
Unable to answer the questions within the time limit
There are many reasons why candidates fail to complete the answer within the time limit in the test. One of them can be changed through the online exam system is to speed up the test taker’s answering speed. In Online Exam Maker, candidates can upload attachments such as pictures, documents, etc. as answers when answering an essay question.

attachment for candidates to answer questions
Long wait for exam results
In previous exams, candidates could only get grades when all the questions were marked. In online exams, it will shorten time for candidates to get their scores. Exam system will automatically correct objective questions such as multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and so on in the test paper. Subjective type questions such as essay question will be marked by the administrator of the exam system. In the case of a large number of candidates, the super administrator can arrange multiple sub-administrators to participate in the correction of the test papers. It can speed up the correction of test papers and reduce the waiting time of candidates.

automatic correction for objective type questions
The easy-to-use Online Exam Maker will help test organizers and test takers quickly understand how to use exam system when conducting and taking tests. If you also need to take an online exam, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to experience conducting a free online exam for candidates.