How to Create and Manage Groups within A Canvas Course Online?

It is important for both educators and administrators to manage effective development and control of groups within a Learning Management System (LMS). Doing this will help in different ways including while organizing students, facilitating conversations or giving out duties for assignments. In this guide, we are going to look at helpful tips and the step by step process on how you can use Canvas to create, organize and manage groups efficiently. These skills range from forming group structures to monitoring progress as well as promoting collaboration among members of the learning community. Now we’ll see how LMS like Canvas can be used more effectively for group management purposes.

Table of Contents

How to Create and Manage Groups within a Canvas Course?

Create Group Sets

Group sets house the different groups within a course.

Step 1: Log in to Canvas at

Step 2: Select your course from the Global Navigation menu on the left.

Step 3: Click People in the Course Navigation menu.

Step 4: Click + Group Set to add a set of groups to your course.

Step 5: Enter a group set name in the Group Set Name box.

Step 6: Customize the Group Set

I need to remember the following text:

• Determine the method for adding students to the groups: Will they Self Sign-Up, be randomly assigned to a group, or will the instructors manually assign them to the groups?
• Customize the Group Structure section based on the chosen method for adding students to the groups.
• It’s also possible to automatically assign a student group leader. When a student is assigned as a group leader, they have the ability to manage group members and edit the group name, but they cannot change the number of members in the group.

Step 7: Click Save after you’ve selected your settings.

Make Groups Manually

Step 1: To create a group within your Group Set, simply click on the “+” icon and then choose “Group.” You can then name the group (e.g., Group 1). It’s optional to set a maximum participant number for the group.

Step 2: Create a Group Name

Step 3: Sure, here is a rewritten version of the text you provided:

After creating the groups, you can move students from the Unassigned Students box into groups by clicking and dragging them, or you can assign them to a group by clicking on the + symbol next to their names and selecting a group.

• Drag

• Drop

Mastering group creation and management within your Canvas course is key to fostering collaboration and enhancing learning outcomes. Whether you’re facilitating discussions, managing projects, or promoting teamwork, harnessing Canvas’s tools empowers educators to create dynamic learning environments. But did you know that aside from Canvas Course, there is an alternative LMS that you can use to effectively Create and Manage Groups as an educator.

OnlineExamMaker: An Alternative Way to Create and Manage Online Courses

Aside from Canvas Course, did you know that there is an alternative LMS that you can use to effectively Create and Manage training courses? OnlineExamMaker offers robust features for organizing groups effectively within educational settings. From assigning tasks to monitoring progress, this platform empowers educators to streamline group dynamics and enhance collaboration among students.

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How Can Trainer Create and Manage Courses in OnlineExamMaker?

Step 1: Go to and Log in using your account.

Step 2: Got to LMS and create a New Course

• Click on the “Create course” button

• Customize the Course Information which includes:
o Course Title
o Course Category
o Upload Cover
o Course Description

Step 3: Course Content Creation

In this step, you can now add various types of learning materials, including videos, PDF, PPT, assessments, and more that is needed for the course or group.

Step 4: Publish the Course

Once you are done customizing the course contents and adding all the necessary materials, you can now publish the course and make it available to learners.


OnlineExamMaker makes a very good case for offering an excellent alternative to Canvas in creating and managing courses with its easy user interface and process flow. Whereas Canvas is more complex for new users, OnlineExamMaker reduces course setup and management into just a few intuitive steps accessible to all educators at whichever technical level they are. It boasts some very strong features in organizing groups, assigning tasks, and tracking progress seamlessly to make a much better case for collaboration and efficiency in educational environments. Whether users are just new to online course management or seeking an easier way out, OnlineExamMaker has stood out with its usability and effectiveness for serving educational goals.

Author: Matt Davis

Matt is a content marketing specialist with more than 5 years of experience in content creation, he is glad to share his experience about online education and digital marketing.