Online exams are increasingly being used in more and more industries. In some language exams, some candidates will use the browser’s automatic translation function to cheat. They will translate the content of the test questions into a more familiar language to make it easier to get a high score. Test organizers should take it into consideration when preparing for online exams. As the provider of the online exam system, we will tell you how this problem should be solved.
There are various anti-cheating functions in the examination system to block various types of anti-cheating methods. As an online exam system with multiple anti-cheating functions, Online Exam Maker can effectively ensure the fairness of the exam. For example, screen switching limit, intelligent anti-cheating detection, full-screen mode examination, online proctoring, etc. are all commonly used anti-cheating functions for users. To prevent browser translation in online exams, enabling the full screen mode exam feature in Online Exam Maker is the best option. Here’s how the full-screen exam works to help you understand it more easily.
Taking exam in full screen mode
After the full-screen mode exam function is enabled, candidates can only take exams and cannot perform other operations. Candidates can exit full screen mode only after submitting their exam papers. It means that all browser-related functions will be blocked, including the browser’s automatic translation function.
Software shield
Before a candidate enters the test, the test system will detect whether the candidate has opened software about communication, translation. If connected an external device, such as being connected to multiple screens by remote control, they cannot enter the exam. Before the exam, candidates are required to close all software disabled in the full-screen exam module and disconnect all external devices.
The development of the online exam system has brought great convenience to the conduct of the online examination. The anti-cheating function in the examination system is the key to ensure the fairness of the examination. If you need to know more about the anti-cheating function of online exams, please click the “Sign up” button on the upper right to try the exam functions in Online Exam Maker for free.