The reason why the online exam system was created is that in the process of social development, it takes a lot of time and cost to organize offline examinations. If every exam is conducted offline, things cannot be done efficiently. The exam system can help people reduce the manual operation time and the work pressure of the examination organizer in the process of organizing the examination.
However, not every user can play the true function of the online exam system. Follow the following practical tips and you will find how easy it is to organize an online exam.
Preparation before the exam
When conducting exams, don’t forget to use the function of uploading test questions in batches, because it can save a liot of time. After the test questions are uploaded to the system, the administrator can set a label and difficulty level for each test question. This is not only helpful for the administrator to manage the test questions, but also easy to analyze data.
During the exam
The examination system integrates a variety of advanced technologies, such as various anti-cheating functions, face recognition, copy and paste prevention, and full-screen exam. Administrators can enable these functions as much as possible when creating online exams to ensure that the exams are true and effective.
After the exam
The intelligence of online examinations is also reflected in some automated functions, such as automatic correction of test papers, automatic test paper analysis, and so on. These functions can reduce manual operations and make work more efficient.
Before a formal exam
The administrator should complete the creation of the test paper as soon as possible. Before the official test begins, the administrator should carry out a mock test not only to familiarize candidates with the operation of the test system, but also to check whether there are problems with the questions.
The birth of the exam system can help people solve the problems encountered in offline exams. If you are also looking for an efficient way to create an exam, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to experience it.