Test questions are one of the important knowledge resources of the school. Every student has to practice a large number of test questions every year. The method of creating and saving test questions with Microsoft Office software is not applicable in the current information society. With the advent of the era of big data, the question bank is not just a system that provides a large number of test questions, but a tool that can divide the difficulty of the question and the category of knowledge. The question bank can help teachers save a lot of time when managing test questions. At the same time, it can helps students to train specific questions and improve the efficiency of mastering knowledge points. Because of the above advantages, many schools are looking for a practical question bank system. The following excellent quiz maker with question bank system can meet the needs of most people.
Online Exam Maker is an online quiz maker developed by a Chinese software development company. It is more and more popular because it is not only a professional examination system, but also a fully functional question bank system. By the way, it can also provide online proctoring services for people who use the system.
Support importing test questions and exporting test paper
As long as you enter the test questions in the template downloaded in the background of the system, you can import multiple test questions at one time. If the school wants to conduct an offline test, it can export the test papers from the system. The system supports a variety of templates to export test papers, teachers can choose by themselves.

Different templates to export exam
Support multiple types of test questions
Various types of questions can not only increase the interest of candidates in answering questions, but also examine the true level of knowledge mastery of students from many aspects. Online Exam Maker supports the creation of more than 10 question types. Teachers can also add tags to the questions and the degree of difficulty of the questions, etc., and select appropriate questions based on these conditions when forming the paper.

Multiple types of test questions
Flexible question bank management
When the teachers manage the test questions, they can classify the test questions into different categories. After completing the importing of the test questions, you can check the duplicates of the test questions to avoid repetition of the test questions. Teachers can view data such as the usage rate and so on in the background of the system, which is convenient for managers to improve the system’s test questions.

Manage test questions in different categories
The practical question bank system can help teachers reduce the burden of work, and has become a useful auxiliary tool in the teaching process of teachers. If you want to manage the test questions efficiently, please click the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page to have a try.