Is it hard to create online examination?

Great changes have taken place in the format of organizing examinations. No matter Schools organize exams for students, companies conduct training and assessments for employees, or government units organize knowledge learning assessments for staff, they all no longer adopt the traditional examination model, but start online examinations now.

Is it hard to create online examination? Actually, online examination system can easily solve this problem. Many people are using our Exam Maker to create online examination and easily organized tens of thousands of online examination tasks.

The onlineexam system is simple and easy to operate, even if a green hand who does not understand too much computer operation, he can know how to use quickly.

So, how to get a useful online exam system? It is recommended that you first choose the version that you can try for free, such as our Online Exam Maker , and pay if you are satisfied, which is more responsible for users.

The online version of the exam system does not require users to download any installation packages, just register online on the official website. Of course, if you want to use it in the corporate intranet, you can also download our LAN Exam Maker and enjoy the same function without any complicated steps.

Whether  the online version or the LAN version, the functions of the system are not much different, and it is very convenient for users to use to create online  exams. The traditional way to organize exams requires a series of tasks such as marking papers, score statistics, etc.  often takes a month to complete. Please click to get the way of Creating Online Exam.

Now, just sign up to get a free account to try it!