What Are Lead Generation Quizzes & How to Collect Leads for Your Business?

A business will be a never-ending challenge. You will encounter both good and bad business days. But how do you handle seing your sales start to dwindle? Losing business can happen in an instant. But how do you know the slow and steady type? If not instant, we can look for the tell-tale signs! It may come in the form of customer complaints. And then the gradual loss of audience and engagement. And next thing you know, your regular customers are switching brands or services! Quite a nightmare if you ask me. So, how do we overcome getting stumped? Of course, by getting leads! But first, let us dip our toes into what leads are!

What are Leads?

A lead is having someone interested in your products and services. Someone curious about what you can bring to the table. These are potential customers who are still a hit or miss. And this is because they might not be ready to buy yet. Leads are people who know your brand. And are interested in how you can help make their lives easier! These are people who see potential in you. And in the same way, you see them as potential clients! Leads are interested customers who are curious about how you can help them. It’s whether you help them reach what their goals are, or meet their wishes.

It depends on what type of business you’re in and what you offer. Some companies view a lead as a definite prospective client. While other companies, on the other hand, consider a lead to be any business contact. To simply put things out, leads are prospect buyers or customers. Leads are business contacts who are potential buyers. Or they are contacts who know potential clients for your business! In the end, leads are still what we call possible future customers. So, our job is to generate as many leads as we can. And we can do that through a Lead Generation Quiz!

Table of Contents

What Are Lead Generation Quizzes?

A lead generation quiz is an essential and efficient way of collecting data and customer information. It helps you get potential business clients who are interested in what you have to offer! A lead generation quiz involves a series of questions that introduce your brand. And in return, its results let you get to know them better! A lead generation quiz is not an assessment but more of a report and brief insight into your brand. Customers take them in exchange for their contact information. This way, you can offer the most suitable product or service! And everything will be smooth when they decide to buy or avail of your services.

Customers take a lead generation quiz and receive a score or detailed assessment. And this includes personalized content, vouchers, or results. These results are from how they answered the quiz, making it a customized outcome! It will involve the relevant product or service they might be interested in. Leads will need to fill out a registration form to take the quiz. And in turn, you can collect that information! A lead generation quiz lets you garner customer information and data.

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What Is A Lead Generation Quiz and Why It Is Important?

A lead generation quiz is a way of enticing people with your products or services. It encourages customers to have more than a peek into your products and services. Customer information and data are collected and stored in private. And it helps you identify potential buyers or clients. In this way, you can promote your business and nurture leads. Ensure and establish their interest in your brand. And then they turn into a paying or regular customer!

So, what is the importance of a lead generation quiz?

Brand Relevance
Lead generation quizzes help keep your brand relevant to an online audience. It informs people about you without obligating them to. And this is the start when people contemplate buying from you. In this way, your brand is at the top of their list!

Right Offers
As said above, these quizzes let you know your customers better. It helps you understand their wants and needs as customers. A lead generation quiz assists you in finding out the best offer for them!

Building Rapport
Lead generation quizzes cultivate a meaningful end-to-end business relationship. It starts by leading them to your products with detailed and specific information. It helps boost your business reputation and services!

Online Reach
Nowadays, almost everyone is on the internet and social media. And that means that we need to ride the tide! A lead generation quiz lets you build online business relations. And the online world is a quick way to connect with people!

Retargeting Service or Audience
Aside from creating new connections and finding leads, it also helps you reconnect with old clients! A quiz lets you learn about your clients and what trends they partake in. And in another case, it introduces you to a new set of people!

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Tips to Generate Quiz Leads The Right Way

A lead generation quiz is a great tool to get new clients. But how can you ensure that the customers are sealed deals in the future? Here are some tips on how to generate leads through quizzes, the right way:

Sign-Up Forms: Ensure that each person who takes the quiz signs a structured form. Collect their necessary personal details like their name and email, for example. These are crucial in maintaining contact with them, even after a long while. It establishes a string of acquaintance with the lead. Once they present their email address, the lead generation has now begun!

Mild Follow-Up Emails: This is an important reminder not to be aggressive when emailing ads. Send updates and news sparingly. The most common mistake is heavy emailing from companies. There are so many that it becomes spammy! Your subscribers need the essentials and relevant products or news only.

Vouchers and Discounts: This is another method of enticing and raking in leads. A voucher or a discount offer is a free resource you can give in exchange for their participation. And that includes giving their information. Most customers are interested in these offers. So, worth a shot! Another form of swaying them to buy in the future.

Know Your Audience: You need to know the audience you want to engage with. Age, gender, size, or information your products and services provide. Analyze the platform you will use to market your brand. In this way, you understand their interests and attitudes. Remember this tip because it could make or break the idea of a lead generation quiz.

Appropriate Quiz Generator: You need to know the right quiz-making software. Choose one that puts you at an advantage. Ensure that its software can generate a lead-generation quiz. Its system should be able to handle excessive data. And a large number of candidates. And that it can collect customer data information through forms. One quiz maker that has all these features is OnlineExamMaker!

How to Create A Lead Generation Quiz in OnlineExamMaker?

Here is a step-by-step guide for making a Lead Generation Quiz on OnlineExamMaker:

Step 1: Maneuvering The Dashboard
Move your mouse to the left, where the dashboard is. Click ‘Exams’ and ‘Exams List’ to open the quiz creator. Now click ‘+ New Exam’ to start making your product quiz!

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Step 2: Filling in Important Details

In this step, fill in the necessary details about your products. Choose your brand name as the title, and categorize your quiz. In this way, your customers can recognize your brand right away. Click ‘Advanced Settings’ to open additional settings. Here is where you select a neat cover for your lead generation quiz. After that, type in the necessary keywords for your test. And you can add a short description too! Click ‘Save and Next’ to proceed.

Step 3: Encoding Questions

After that, it’s time to add personalized questions for your lead generation quiz. Click ‘+ Add questions’ to add the questions. Use the ‘Multiple Answer’ question type to include many choices. You can also use the ‘Essay Type’ for a detailed response. Click ‘Save’ to finish making the question. After encoding all your questions, click ‘Save and Next’ to proceed.

Step 4: Adjusting the Settings

Next, you need to adjust the lead generation quiz settings. Check that your lead generation quiz is available and accessible at the necessary time. Click ‘Finish’ to save your lead generation quiz.

After creating your Lead Generation Quiz, time to set up the registration form! A sign-up form helps collect and organize the data of your leads. This way, you don’t have to worry about information management.

How to Set Up Signup Forms on OnlineExamMaker?

Step 1: Login the Dashboard
Upon signing in, move to the left of your screen and click ‘Students.’ Click ‘+ New Sign Up’ to start. After that, type in your brand’s title and the instructions for signing up information. Tap on the ‘Next’ button to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Set Registration Form Information

After that, you can adjust the information needed from the leads. The quiz takers need to fill in the required information. It could be their photo, cell phone number, gender, email, etc. Once you’ve set the information requirements up, click ‘Next’ to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Personalized Theme

You can choose a background for the signup form. It could be a template from the extensive choices of OnlineExamMaker. And it could be one of yours! Choose something that captures your brand as a whole. Make it a personalized and branding effort!

Step 4: Adjusting Signup Settings

Modify the terms and settings for the signup form. You can even separate registrations or signups into different groups. This is where you adjust the participant numbers or registration timeout. And the registration fee, if applicable.

Step 5: Sharing the Signup Form

After you’ve finished setting up the signup form, you can now share the customized registration link with your customers! It also includes a custom QR code for easy scanning. Copy and share it on different social media platforms to boost your reach. Or you can also use the embeddable link for your business website!

Lead Generation Quiz FAQ

How can lead generation quizzes generate leads?
Lead generation quizzes are great tools for collecting customer info. Most people don’t have the time to sit and listen to sales talk. And sometimes, customers need more than a few minutes of it. Instead of wasting time and waiting around, a lead generation quiz will make things quicker! Not only will it make business faster, but it will also increase the possibility of buyers! So, a lead generation quiz will work perfectly for people on the go. They can take it anywhere and anytime! It’s a mobile quiz that can generate leads and potential buyers. And it lets you understand your business audience more.

Are lead generation quizzes hard to create?
Not at all! Software like OnlineExamMaker makes creating them a breeze. Aside from its direct and easy-to-navigate platform, it’s also a mobile-friendly app. It has an automated result feature that sends out results immediately! And it even has a signup form feature that makes data collection easier. You don’t have to manually sort out customer information. OnlineExamMaker will finish the job for you in a few clicks! OnlineExamMaker’s system is designed to handle tons of data. And it can handle a large number of candidates as well. You can create your lead generation quiz with the use of OnlineExamMaker.

How can lead generation quizzes help my business?
A lead generation quiz will help you understand trends and customers better. Customer feedback and comments are great, too. You can use the collected data to shape your business in the future. It helps you further your knowledge in business. And it lets you know what you can improve in selling or providing services. A lead generation quiz is a quick and easy way to be in touch with your audience. And in that sense, it’ll let you make quick and efficient business decisions.

How do I create a lead generation quiz?
You can create a lead generation quiz using various online platforms or quiz builder tools. These tools often provide templates, customization options, and integration features. Some popular quiz platforms include Interact, Typeform, and Quiz Maker.

What questions should I include in my lead generation quiz?
Questions should be relevant to your business and designed to gather information that helps qualify leads. Mix in both fun and informative questions to keep participants engaged. Avoid too many questions, and make sure they lead to actionable insights.

How do I promote my lead generation quiz?
Promote your quiz through your website, social media channels, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. Consider using paid advertising to increase visibility. Encourage participants to share their results on social media to extend your reach.

What information should I collect in the quiz form?
Collect essential information that helps you understand your leads and their needs. Common fields include name, email address, industry, job role, and specific preferences relevant to your business.

How do I follow up with leads generated from the quiz?
Use the information gathered to personalize follow-up communication. Send targeted emails, provide relevant content, and tailor your marketing efforts based on the quiz responses. Use a CRM system to manage and organize lead data efficiently.

Are lead generation quizzes GDPR compliant?
Yes, it’s crucial to ensure that your lead generation quiz complies with data protection regulations, such as GDPR. Clearly communicate how you will use the data, obtain consent, and provide an option for participants to opt out or delete their information.

Author: Matt Davis

Matt is a content marketing specialist with more than 5 years of experience in content creation, he is glad to share his experience about online education and digital marketing.