How to Create A Quiz on Facebook Page?

Did you know that creating a quiz on a Facebook page is possible? Yes, and you can create one just for free! It is way more simpler and easier than having a quiz itself on a notepad. These types of quizzes can help you know your friends even more; it is not just a typical quiz you have in school; it can be a personality quiz, grammar quiz, friendship quiz, and so much more to enjoy. You can explore this quiz by simply following the steps in this article.

Table of Contents

Here are some positive outcomes of Facebook quizzes:

Facebook is one of the top apps on social media. One of the features of Facebook has to do with the quizzes.

Covers a Large Scope of Subjects
Quizzes range from personality to trivia and are just for fun. You can add some random questions to ask your friend. This quiz also provides an interactive way of learning something new, even if you are on your computer screen.

Getting to Know Your Friends Better
You can include some of the questions like what your interests are, what your likes or dislikes are, what things you want to be in the future, and so many other subject areas you have in school. As your friend answers the questions, we understand a lot about them and know more things that you have in common.

Great Way to Unwind
Playing around with one of these quizzes may take a few minutes, and in return, you get some fun and relief from being able to get to know a friend. The questions included in the quiz can provide cheer and giggles as well, which should improve your mood. Moreover, it can tighten bonds with the feeling of belonging to online social circles when one shares the results of the quizzes with friends.

For Educational Purposes
These topics range from historical information to literature, scientific knowledge, and pop culture. Such quizzes could help users learn a lot of new information or become more deeply aware of the world. Hence, this is good for all those interested in learning new things or simply liking intellectual challenges.

Many people think Facebook quizzes are just for fun, but they can actually help us learn and have a good time with our friends! By simply answering these quizzes we are able to know them and the things they adore in life. So, let’s enjoy taking quizzes and learning new things while having fun and sharing these quizzes with our friends on Facebook!

Pro Tip

You can build engaging Facebook quizzes with our free online quiz maker.

Benefits of Using Facebook Quizzes in Social Media Platforms for its Users

Boosting Engagement and Interaction
Facebook quizzes are great because they can get people involved by making cool quizzes about things you like. This can help get more people to see and interact with your posts, which is super awesome!

Gathering Valuable Insights
When you look at the answers from your quizzes, you can learn more about what you like, what you’re interested in, and how you act. You can use the information you collected to make your content better, make the quiz better, and make the user experience even better.

Building Brand Awareness
Boosting brand awareness and promoting your products or services are extra advantages. By incorporating subtle branding elements or ideas into your quizzes, you can subtly showcase the importance of your brand without being too aggressive. This approach can capture the attention of users, inspiring them to explore your brand further.

Driving Traffic and Lead Generation
You can guide users to certain pages or gather their contact details for future marketing efforts by adding links or call-to-actions in your quiz results. This combination of quizzes and lead generation can help grow your customer base and build connections with potential leads.

Enhancing User Experience
In conclusion, Facebook quizzes can help improve user experience on your page by involving your audience and keeping them interested in what you are offering. This will result in stronger bonds with your brand and long-lasting relationships with all of your followers. Quizzes increase engagement, provide insights, and raise brand awareness, so they are instrumental tools for all businesses and individuals. Put to work the power of quizzes, maximize your social media presence, engender a much deeper connection with your audience, and relieve yourself of unnecessary hard work to get results for your marketing goals.

How to Create A Facebook Quiz?

Step 1: Open your Safari or Browser
To start, open your Safari or the Browser that you are currently using, then type

Step 2: Click the Website
It will lead you to its website, where you can tap “Get Started for Free.”

Step 3: Choose your Quiz Type
In this part, it will ask you, what kind of quiz are you going to create. You can either choose from a knowledge quiz or a personality quiz.

Step 4: Configure the Quiz
Let’s take a knowledge quiz and then click “Get started.” In this section, you can start editing the Introduction, Thank You Text, Closed Quiz Text, and Footer Text. You can add words or just simply edit the default wordings on the text box. Once you’re done, tap the add questions, and it will lead you to the next step.

Step 4: Add Questions to the Quiz
First, you can type the question related to the topic you chose in the question box. Second, pick the question type you like; you can choose between multiple-choice, checkboxes, or text boxes. Third, you can write the options, and you can still click the “add option” below if you have many options in mind. Fourth, write the right answer in the box. Fifth, you can click the check and the shuffle options order if you wish to. Lastly, you can click the “add questions” to list down your questions and you can repeat the same process all over again until you’re done. And you can now proceed to preview.

Step 5: Preview
This is how your quiz would look like if the people started to open it. But, you can still edit the quiz title, submit button color, font style, questions layout, and large screen layout. Once you’re done you can click the get started and see the preview. And once you are settled with that, go ahead and tap the next share.

Step 6: Link to your Facebook Account
In this part, you are going to click the continue with Facebook and the quiz is going to link to your Facebook account. Sign in to your account, link to a Facebook page, continue as your profile, and you can click the Facebook page that you want to put your quiz into. Tap the link to the quiz on your page.

Step 7: Copy the Link and Share It
Once you’re done. Copy and paste the link on your Facebook and post it. People will see this on your Facebook and once they click it, they will be directed to the site where the quiz is.

OnlineExamMaker – Best Facebook Quiz Making Software

OnlineExamMaker has a fun quiz maker that helps you make quizzes, organize them, and give grades. It’s great for teachers who want to make quizzes for students or for business people who need to test employees. It can also be used to have a great time and bonding with friends to ask them questions and engage with them.

Create Your Next Quiz/Exam with OnlineExamMaker

SAAS, free forever
100% data ownership

If you want to make a fun computer game to make people excited, help kids learn, and help them engage in online activities, Onlineexammaker is the best choice for making quizzes, especially for Facebook quizzes.

Creating quizzes and tests on OnlineExamMaker is really fun because it’s so easy to use! You can pick from different types of questions like multiple choice, true/false, and short answers to make your quiz special. You can also choose from many design options to make it look just right for your brand or theme!

The Facebook quiz tool from Onlineexammaker is great for sharing quizzes with friends. It’s easy to use and fun to play!

OnlineExamMaker has super cool tools that can tell us how well the quiz went and give us important details about how everyone did. It can see who finished the quiz and check out how people answered the questions. This information can help us make even better quizzes next time and get more friends to join in the fun!

OnlineExamMaker’s Facebook quiz tool is a great way for businesses, teachers, and people to connect with others in a fun and easy way. It’s simple to use, works well with Facebook, and has cool tools for analyzing results. Whether you want to make clients happy, help students learn, or just have fun, this quiz tool is perfect for making quizzes online.

How to Make A Facebook Quiz in OnlineExamMaker?

Create Your Next Quiz/Exam with OnlineExamMaker

SAAS, free forever
100% data ownership

Step 1:
First, log in to your OnlineExamMaker account and select the “Exams” option, then click on “+New exam”. Next, choose a title for your quiz and provide a short description to give participants an idea of what to expect. Then proceed to the next step by clicking the “Save” button.

Step 2:
Next, you can make questions by choosing different types like multiple choice, true/false, or short answer. You can also decide how hard they are and how much time your friends have to answer!

Step 3:
After you’ve typed in all the questions, make sure to change the quiz settings, like mixing up the questions or letting people see their results right after. Don’t forget to give clear instructions before you save your changes on the side! Also, think about adding pictures, videos, or audio to make your quiz even better. Pictures can help explain hard stuff, and videos can make things more fun!

Step 4:
Check out your quiz before you make it live on the internet. Pick the way you like best to give your students access to the online quiz.

With OnlineExamMaker, making an online quiz is super simple thanks to its easy-to-use interface!

How OnlineExamMaker Enhances Learning?

Engaging Learning Experience
OnlineExamMaker can help students achieve an engaging learning experience because it maximizes the time and the opportunity to connect with others easily by creating tests and fun games that will be enjoyed by many.

Seamless Integration
No need to stress about using various educational tools. Onlineexammaker can easily work with different LMS systems, making it simple to add to your current workflow.

Eases Administrative Burden
Checking and supervising can use up a bunch of time. Onlineexammaker helps with these tasks so that you can concentrate on teaching. Automated grading, instant updates, and simple data export are a few tools that will help simplify your daily duties.

Accessible Anywhere, Anytime
It’s super important to be adaptable these days, especially when trying new ways of teaching and learning. Onlineexammaker lets students and teachers use it from anywhere with the internet. This means you can keep learning without interruptions, whether in a regular classroom or at home.

Are you ready for an awesome upgrade? Create exams at a different level with Onlineexammaker and discover how it can change the way you teach!

Make sure to let us know what you think after using the OnlineExamMaker website! Give it a try and see how it can help you learn better!

Author: Matt Davis

Matt is a content marketing specialist with more than 5 years of experience in content creation, he is glad to share his experience about online education and digital marketing.