Why tests should to be smart?
When we create a online test, we usually want to take the advantage of the computer technology, that online exam can help us automatically grading the tests, and it will limit the time. The online test tools like OnlineExamMaker have simplified our work, we have saved our time to enjoy life.
But, the online test tools should be smart, then what I mean by smart? A smart online exam tool should have the following functionalities
- Automatic grading
- Powerful data analysis
- Random question orders
- Email notify
The most import feature is “powerful data analysis”, with the powerful data analysis feature like OnlineExamMaker have provide, would help you know more from the exams taken data.
From the over view of all the test taken, shown by above picture, we know the daily exams taken distribute in the latest month, exam taken seconds distribute, exam pass VS did not pass, score ratio distribute and etc. We know the status of our students as a whole. And also we can see the analysis data by group, by exam, by student, in different aspect.
From the smart tests, exams, we know much more and more from our students, we can accurately know in which stage he or she is, you, the teacher, can help them get improved in specified study aspect.