No downloads, installations or investment in technology infrastructure is required, and it's so easy to use, anyone can get up and running straight away.
OnlineExamMaker is an online system, so you need internet access and we recommend using a modern web browser:
- Internet explorer 6+
- FireFox 2.0+
- Safari 3+
- Opera 10.6+
- Chrome 8+
Additionally you will need JavaScript and cookies enabled which comes standard with web browsers.
OnlineExamMaker's online-testing system is available to anyone with an internet connection. Our web-based exam service is easy-to-use, secure and reliable.
OnlineExamMaker was built from the ground up using valid XHTML and adhering to accessibility standards. This means OnlineExamMaker works across all major operating systems, web browsers and devices to ensure our service can be accessed however and wherever you like.
Any device that has an internet connection can access OnlineExamMaker's online-testing system.
OnlineExamMaker is compatible with all major operating systems including:
- Windows
- Macintosh
- Linux
- Chrome OS / Chromebook
Smart devices including:
- iPhone
- iPod touch
- iPad
- Android