Guide to Online Assessment for HR Managers: Tips & Practices

In the workplace, it’s important to see to it that each and everyone’s needs are taken care of to maintain a healthy working experience among employees and employers.

HR managers have the responsibility to ensure the company’s welfare and its functionality. That’s why the HR department should make an effort to screen and recruit a potential candidate for a specific position in the company they would like to work for.

Traditionally, an applicant would go to the site to be assessed by the HR which would really take more time to do so. But now, with the help of technology and further innovation of online platforms, online assessments are undeniably helpful because of the available tools to get to know each candidate easily in the comfort of their home or any other place. This online kind of assessment saves time for both the HR and the candidate.

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Why Are Online Assessments Crucial for HR Managers?

Online assessments are crucial for HR managers because they can make their job a lot more easier and convenient. With just a simple sign-up to an account in any online assessment platform, they can create more innovative ways to screen an applicant’s skills, knowledge, personality, work styles, and more. This is different from the traditional HR manager assessment which is done face-to-face on site this could help too as they get to know the person physically. But what if there are a lot of applicants that must be interviewed, assessed, or trained? Would this be possible in a set time frame for the company? That’s why online assessment must be considered because of its great help to ease the burden of HR managers and help them manage tasks simultaneously.

Online tests help companies hire people more easily, save money, and evaluate job applicants better. These tools allow employers to quickly eliminate candidates who aren’t a good fit and increase the likelihood of finding the right person by aligning candidates with the company’s values and culture. Those who already are employees, will be reminded of the standards and goals of the company and get feedback on their performance to help return the assets and sales through regular employee assessments.

Best Practices for HR to Conduct Employee Assessments

Setting Goals and Standards

First of all, a clear expectation and direction for a company are always important for everyone to understand so they will not be wayward and make decisions that they might regret in the long run. Setting professional standards is the main priority of any HR manager with the agreement of the company’s owner they make a compact of expectations from all working personnel to achieve quality products from their work and to be trained the best as they can. The job description of each one must be clear and monitored so they keep themselves on track as they thrive as one in the company. The HR must outline practical and achievable standards for the employees.

Goals must be considering everybody’s strengths and weaknesses so they can walk in the direction set before them lighter than not meeting halfway. It would be best if the goals are laid at the beginning of your working years, it’s definitely smoother to assess an employee at the end of it. These goals are also the basis of your merit and performance evaluation.

Maintaining Evaluation

When you have set the goals for all the employees, the next thing to give is the criteria. The criteria will determine if a certain candidate performs under the given qualifications. It’s the template that must be checked regularly. Being consistent will lead to a new routine that would be of great help to excellently deliver the employer’s expectations.

Just so you know

With OnlineExamMaker quiz software, HR managers can create & share professional employee assessments easily.

Avoiding Discrimination and Favoritism

Personal biases are unavoidable, but that doesn’t affect the evaluation of each one in your company. The criteria that are set for the entire personnel must be the basis of your judgment, the performance they give, and not any personal agenda.

A fair judgment ensures the safety and comfort of each one because remember they are humans too. Holistic care for the personnel must also be considered especially if too much work comes in. The key is to understand by listening to them before giving your judgment.

Providing Quality Assessments

Performance appraisal ensures development in one’s own career. As for the HR manager, an accurate result and evaluation will come from a comprehensive content of the assessment.

In creating an employee assessment, keep in mind to use specific metrics that matter to your team or organization, prepare for the assessment by documenting your thoughts on their performance or abilities again, not based on your biases, and provide direct and concise feedback by having a conversation with the employee. In this way, you will have an idea of how to motivate your employee helping them to maximize their strengths and overcome weaknesses in the workplace.

How to Make An Employee Assessment in OnlineExamMaker?

OnlineExamMaker is an all-in-one assessment making platform that helps HR managers create and analyze employee assessments. You can follow the step-by-step guide below to get started.

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Step 1: Create an assessment

Navigate to the left side of the dashboard and click ‘Exams’. After that, click ‘Exams List’; this opens a new window. Click ‘+ New Exam’ to start making your assessment test!

Step 2: Edit basic information of the exam

In this step, you’ll need to type in the basic information of your assessment. Choose a fitting title for your Employee Assessment Test! After that, set the category it belongs to for future use. In this way, your tests are organized and easy to access!

Click ‘Advanced Settings’ to choose a perfect cover. You can also add the necessary keywords and an encouraging message! Click ‘Save and Next’ to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Add your questions

Next is to add the assessment questions. Use this part to gauge how your employees work in different areas. Click the ‘+ Add Question’ button to start.

The best question type is ‘Essay’ because it’s raw and thought-inducing. Your employees will brainstorm and think thoroughly! After creating the fit questions, click ‘Save’ to finish making them. Once you’ve done that, click ‘Save and Next’ to proceed.

Step 4: Adjusting the test settings

In this step, you can adjust the schedule of the assessment. You can modify the test rules however you want. Adjust the number of attempts, the test duration, and the theme! You can also adjust the sending of test results or grade each answer yourself. In this way, you can analyze and scan their answers well. Once you’ve modified everything, click ‘Save and Publish’ to finish.

Step 5: publish & share your assessment

After your test is released, you can finally share your created assessment with your employees. Thanks to onlineExamMaker, it is much easier now to distribute the quiz. All you have to do is click “Publish,” answer the prompt question, the share the QR code and link through social media or email!

What Is An Employee Assessment Test?

An employee assessment test is a way to measure your employee’s qualities. This is a great tool to know whether the candidate is hireable and capable or not. The result of the assessment test tells if the candidate fits in the job. The assessment tests can be used for pre-employment and also for hired employees. It helps HR managers identify the nominee’s knowledge, skills, personality, and work style which are necessary to accept them for the job they are applying for. Assessment tests can make good hiring decisions and it does give ideas on helping employees develop professionally as to what a company demands from them for their success.

5 Types of Online Employee Assessments

Skill-Based Tests

Skill-based tests are meant to measure how well candidates can perform certain job-related skills. Depending on the position, these skill assessments can include various areas, like technical know-how, creative talents, problem-solving skills, and knowledge specific to the line of work.

Cognitive Ability Tests

A cognitive ability test is a type of test that employers use before hiring someone to see how well they think and solve problems. It checks skills like figuring out puzzles, understanding shapes, and working with numbers. These tests help employers guess how well a person might do in different jobs or tasks.

Cognitive ability tests can look different; they might have multiple-choice questions, logic challenges, number problems, or even fun games. Many companies use these tests when looking for new employees, interns, or students for academic programs.

Personality Assessments

Personality tests examine our unique characteristics to enhance psychological studies and theories. They also help in making practical decisions, such as choosing the best candidates for jobs. Experts believe that the differences in how we behave are due to varying amounts of these traits. They aim to identify and measure these traits in a clear way to link them to significant social behaviors.

Behavioral Assessments

Behavioral assessment is a careful way of looking at and measuring a person’s actions, skills, and characteristics to see if they are a good fit for a certain job. This process includes watching how candidates react to different situations to help guess how well they might do in the job later on.

Instead of just looking at a person’s qualifications and work history, this method focuses on their behavior skills, like how they communicate, solve problems, work in teams, and lead others. By using this approach, HR professionals and hiring managers can make better choices and find candidates who are not only skilled but also have the right personality traits to do well in the job.

Job Knowledge Tests

Job knowledge tests, also known as achievement or mastery tests, assess a person’s current knowledge of specific skills or professional topics. Unlike tests that evaluate thinking skills, they do not measure the ability to learn new information in the future. As a result, while these tests indicate what an applicant knows at the moment, they are not ideal for predicting how quickly someone can learn new skills during training after being hired.

Additional types of Employee Assessments

Here are some of the most common types of employee assessments conducted by organizations:

Pre-employment assessments: Used early in the hiring process to evaluate skills, cognitive abilities, and personality traits to determine fit. Help screen applicants.

Performance appraisals: Evaluate employee performance against goals to identify strengths and growth areas. Used to provide formal feedback and determine promotions.

360-degree feedback: Collect feedback from peers, and managers on employee performance to support professional development. Provide a broader perspective.

Engagement surveys: Measure employee satisfaction, organizational culture perception, and other engagement metrics. Reveal moral issues.

Competency assessments: Assess mastery level of knowledge and skills required for given roles. Gaps highlight development needs.

Certification exams: Test professionals against occupational standards in fields requiring licensing/certification like IT, healthcare, etc.

Personality assessments: Provide insights into working style, motivations, tendencies for consideration in team dynamics, and culture fit.

Assessing an employee or an applicant sometimes could be impractical if done manually in the office by the HR manager alone alongside many other things to be accomplished for the operation of the company. That’s why since things can be made easy with different tools in our surroundings, the HR manager can use appropriate and helpful tools too! There are available online assessments for employees anywhere on the internet waiting to be used when conducting the initial stage for an applicant and performance review for regular employees! One of which is the OnlineExamMaker which has a very easy-to-use interface to create tests for your employee.

OnlineExamMaker is an easy-to-use assessment creator software that simplifies job applicant assessment. Here’s why it’s user-friendly:

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You can customize various elements of the assessment, such as colors, backgrounds, and button texts.

Drag-and-Drop Builder:
The platform offers a drag-and-drop test builder, making it straightforward to create tests for recruitment, employee assessment, training, and more.

Anti-Cheating Features:
It includes a fullscreen browser mode to prevent cheating, ensuring a fair assessment environment.

Quick Feedback:
Online Exam Maker streamlines grading and feedback, saving time for exam administrators..

Overall, it’s a powerful tool for evaluating candidates’ skills and knowledge during the hiring process.

Author: Matt Davis

Matt is a content marketing specialist with more than 5 years of experience in content creation, he is glad to share his experience about online education and digital marketing.