Cats, also known as domestic cats (Felis catus), are one of the most beloved and popular pets around the world. With their charming personalities, independent nature, and adorable behaviors, cats have formed deep bonds with humans for thousands of years. As both companions and working animals, cats have played significant roles in various cultures and continue to bring joy and comfort to countless households.
Cats are captivating and cherished animals that have captured the hearts of people for centuries. Their unique personalities, hunting prowess, and ability to form strong bonds with humans make them a truly special species. As we continue to care for and appreciate these endearing creatures, we are reminded of the profound connection between humans and animals and the joy and fulfillment that pets bring to our lives.
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- Part 1: 30 cat trivia questions & answers
- Part 2: Download cat questions & answers for free
- Part 3: Free online quiz making platform – OnlineExamMaker
Part 1: 30 interesting cat trivia questions and answers
1. What family of mammals do domestic cats belong to?
a) Felidae
b) Canidae
c) Mustelidae
d) Ursidae
Answer: a) Felidae
2. What is the scientific name for the domestic cat?
a) Felis catus
b) Felis domesticus
c) Felis lupus
d) Felis felis
Answer: a) Felis catus
3. Cats have retractable claws, meaning they can:
a) Extend their claws when needed
b) Curl their claws when resting
c) Shed their claws annually
d) Rotate their claws 360 degrees
Answer: a) Extend their claws when needed
4. What is a group of cats called?
a) Pack
b) Herd
c) Flock
d) Clowder
Answer: d) Clowder
5. Cats are known for their grooming behavior. What is the term for the act of cleaning their fur with their tongue?
a) Bathing
b) Scrubbing
c) Preening
d) Licking
Answer: d) Licking
6. What is the name of a baby cat?
a) Kitten
b) Cub
c) Calf
d) Foal
Answer: a) Kitten
7. Cats have an excellent sense of balance, which allows them to land on their feet after falling. This ability is known as:
a) Cat’s reflex
b) Feline flip
c) Righting reflex
d) Gravity-defying feat
Answer: c) Righting reflex
8. What is the average lifespan of a well-cared-for domestic cat?
a) 3-5 years
b) 6-8 years
c) 9-12 years
d) 13-16 years
Answer: d) 13-16 years
9. Cats communicate using various vocalizations. What sound do cats typically make to express friendliness or seek attention?
a) Hiss
b) Growl
c) Purr
d) Meow
Answer: d) Meow
10. The pupil of a cat’s eye can change size quickly to control the amount of light entering the eye. What shape does a cat’s pupil become in bright light?
a) Circular
b) Vertical slit
c) Horizontal slit
d) Diamond shape
Answer: b) Vertical slit
11. What is the term for a female cat that has not been spayed and is capable of reproducing?
a) Queen
b) Empress
c) Lady
d) Duchess
Answer: a) Queen
12. Cats have specialized whiskers on their face that help them navigate in the dark and detect changes in their environment. What are these whiskers called?
a) Wiskers
b) Feelers
c) Sensory hairs
d) Tactile whiskers
Answer: d) Tactile whiskers
13. What is the term for the act of a cat kneading its paws against a surface, often accompanied by purring?
a) Tapping
b) Patting
c) Purring
d) Kneading
Answer: d) Kneading
14. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their diet primarily consists of:
a) Plants and fruits
b) Meat and insects
c) Nuts and seeds
d) Fish and algae
Answer: b) Meat and insects
15. What is the term for the behavior where a cat arches its back, raises its fur, and hisses to appear larger and threatening?
a) Hunting stance
b) Defensive posture
c) Aggressive display
d) Halloween cat
Answer: c) Aggressive display
Part 2: Download cat questions & answers for free
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16. Cats have a unique grooming behavior where they clean their faces with dampened paws. What is this behavior called?
a) Bathing
b) Washing
c) Scrubbing
d) Face-wiping
Answer: a) Bathing
17. What is the name of the behavior where cats rub their scent glands against objects and people to mark them as familiar and safe?
a) Grooming
b) Rubbing
c) Scent marking
d) Scratching
Answer: c) Scent marking
18. Cats have a strong predatory instinct, which is evident in their love for:
a) Climbing trees
b) Swimming in rivers
c) Chasing and pouncing on toys
d) Sunbathing
Answer: c) Chasing and pouncing on toys
19. What is the IUCN conservation status of domestic cats?
a) Endangered
b) Vulnerable
c) Near Threatened
d) Not evaluated
Answer: d) Not evaluated
20. Cats are known for their agility and flexibility. What allows cats to land on their feet during a fall?
a) Hinged spine
b) Extra joints in the legs
c) Elastic bones
d) Collapsible ribcage
Answer: b) Extra joints in the legs
21. What is the name of the behavior where a cat scratches a surface with its front paws to mark its territory and sharpen its claws?
a) Rubbing
b) Marking
c) Grooming
d) Scratching
Answer: d) Scratching
22. Cats have specialized scent glands located on various parts of their body. What is the name of the scent gland located on a cat’s face?
a) Chin gland
b) Neck gland
c) Ear gland
d) Cheek gland
Answer: d) Cheek gland
23. What is the name of the behavior where a cat curls its body into a round shape with its tail wrapped around its body?
a) Coiling
b) Curving
c) Curling
d) Wrapping
Answer: c) Curling
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24. Cats have a keen sense of hearing and can detect sounds in higher frequencies than humans. True or False?
a) True
b) False
Answer: a) True
25. What is the term for the process of a cat giving birth to kittens?
a) Whelping
b) Kindling
c) Kidding
d) Queening
Answer: d) Queening
26. Cats are solitary animals and do not form social bonds with other cats. True or False?
a) True
b) False
Answer: b) False
27. What is the name of the behavior where a cat rubs its body against a person or object to show affection and mark territory?
a) Purring
b) Bunting
c) Hugging
d) Headbutting
Answer: b) Bunting
28. Cats have an excellent sense of night vision, allowing them to see clearly in low light conditions. True or False?
a) True
b) False
Answer: a) True
29. What is the name of the behavior where a cat raises its back and fluffs up its fur to make itself appear larger when threatened?
a) Hissing
b) Growling
c) Puffing
d) Arching
Answer: d) Arching
30. In ancient Egypt, cats were highly revered and considered symbols of:
a) Fertility and abundance
b) Wisdom and intelligence
c) Protection and luck
d) Strength and courage
Answer: c) Protection and luck
Part 3: Free online quiz creating platform – OnlineExamMaker
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