30 World Religions Quiz Questions and Answers

World religions encompass a diverse array of spiritual beliefs and practices observed by people across the globe. These religions have played a profound role in shaping cultures, societies, and individuals’ lives throughout history.

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Part 1: 30 world religion quiz questions & answers

1. Which world religion is centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ?
a) Islam
b) Hinduism
c) Christianity
d) Buddhism
Answer: c) Christianity

2. The Five Pillars of Islam are central acts of worship and devotion for followers of which religion?
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) Islam
d) Sikhism
Answer: c) Islam

3. Which ancient religion, originating in the Indian subcontinent, encompasses a wide range of beliefs, rituals, and practices?
a) Christianity
b) Buddhism
c) Hinduism
d) Judaism
Answer: c) Hinduism

4. Who founded Buddhism in the 6th century BCE?
a) Buddha
b) Jesus Christ
c) Muhammad
d) Guru Nanak
Answer: a) Buddha

5. The Guru Granth Sahib is the central religious text for followers of which religion?
a) Sikhism
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Hinduism
Answer: a) Sikhism

6. Which monotheistic religion centers on the covenant between God and the Jewish people, as recorded in the Torah?
a) Judaism
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Bahá’í Faith
Answer: a) Judaism

7. The Bahá’í Faith emphasizes the unity of all religions and the importance of:
a) Non-violence (ahimsa)
b) World peace
c) Filial piety
d) Social harmony
Answer: b) World peace

8. Jainism emphasizes the importance of non-violence (ahimsa) and non-possessiveness. In which region did it originate?
a) Japan
b) India
c) China
d) Persia (Iran)
Answer: b) India

9. Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical system, originated in which ancient civilization?
a) India
b) Japan
c) China
d) Greece
Answer: c) China

10. Shinto is the indigenous religion of which country?
a) China
b) India
c) Japan
d) Iran
Answer: c) Japan

11. The Holy Trinity, consisting of God the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, is a concept in which religion?
a) Islam
b) Christianity
c) Sikhism
d) Buddhism
Answer: b) Christianity

12. Which religion was founded by Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE in Arabia?
a) Buddhism
b) Islam
c) Hinduism
d) Judaism
Answer: b) Islam

13. The central teachings of Buddhism revolve around the Four Noble Truths and the:
a) Ten Commandments
b) Eightfold Path
c) Five Pillars
d) Guru Granth Sahib
Answer: b) Eightfold Path

14. Which religion is associated with the concept of karma and the pursuit of liberation (moksha)?
a) Buddhism
b) Christianity
c) Hinduism
d) Islam
Answer: c) Hinduism

15. Who is considered the founder of Sikhism?
a) Guru Nanak
b) Prophet Muhammad
c) Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)
d) Jesus Christ
Answer: a) Guru Nanak

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16. The sacred scripture, the Quran, is central to the faith of:
a) Hinduism
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Judaism
Answer: b) Islam

17. The concept of nirvana, or enlightenment, is central to the beliefs of which religion?
a) Buddhism
b) Christianity
c) Sikhism
d) Islam
Answer: a) Buddhism

18. Which world religion is characterized by its belief in the existence of eternal souls and the pursuit of liberation (moksha)?
a) Jainism
b) Shinto
c) Christianity
d) Hinduism
Answer: a) Jainism

19. Which religion’s followers are known as Muslims?
a) Judaism
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Hinduism
Answer: b) Islam

20. In which religion is the belief in one formless, omnipresent God emphasized?
a) Buddhism
b) Sikhism
c) Islam
d) Jainism
Answer: b) Sikhism

21. The concept of the afterlife and resurrection is significant in which religion?
a) Islam
b) Buddhism
c) Hinduism
d) Judaism
Answer: a) Islam

22. The concept of non-violence and respect for all living beings is central to which religion?
a) Buddhism
b) Christianity
c) Jainism
d) Judaism
Answer: c) Jainism

23. The concept of the oneness of humanity and the elimination of prejudice is emphasized in which religion?
a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) Islam
d) Bahá’í Faith
Answer: d) Bahá’í Faith

24. The religious text known as the Vedas is central to the beliefs of:
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) Judaism
d) Christianity
Answer: a) Hinduism

25. In which religion is the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ central to its teachings?
a) Christianity
b) Hinduism
c) Buddhism
d) Islam
Answer: a) Christianity

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26. Which religion emphasizes the importance of following the teachings of the Buddha to attain enlightenment?
a) Hinduism
b) Islam
c) Buddhism
d) Sikhism
Answer: c) Buddhism

27. The teachings of the ancient philosopher Confucius are central to the beliefs of:
a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) Islam
d) Confucianism
Answer: d) Confucianism

28. The pursuit of liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death (samsara) is central to the beliefs of:
a) Hinduism
b) Christianity
c) Islam
d) Sikhism
Answer: a) Hinduism

29. The Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is a concept found in the teachings of which religion?
a) Christianity
b) Islam
c) Hinduism
d) Buddhism
Answer: a) Christianity

30. The belief in one God and adherence to the Ten Commandments are central to the faith of:
a) Judaism
b) Islam
c) Hinduism
d) Buddhism
Answer: a) Judaism

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