30 Space Technology Quiz Questions and Answers

Space technology refers to the development and application of technological systems, devices, and processes for exploration, study, and utilization of outer space. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines and innovations designed to support space missions, satellite operations, scientific research, and commercial activities beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

Satellite-based communication systems have revolutionized global communications, enabling long-distance voice, data, and video transmission across the world. Weather satellites provide vital data for accurate weather forecasting and climate monitoring. Earth observation satellites capture high-resolution images and collect data on our planet’s surface, atmosphere, and natural phenomena to support environmental monitoring, disaster management, and urban planning.

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Part 1: 30 Space Technology quiz questions & answers

1.Which space agency successfully landed the first human on the Moon?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: a) NASA

2.What is the purpose of the Hubble Space Telescope?
a) Studying distant galaxies
b) Monitoring weather patterns
c) Tracking asteroids
d) Observing Earth’s climate
Answer: a) Studying distant galaxies

3.Which planet in our solar system has the most moons?
a) Earth
b) Saturn
c) Uranus
d) Jupiter
Answer: d) Jupiter

4.Who was the first person to orbit the Earth?
a) Yuri Gagarin
b) Neil Armstrong
c) John Glenn
d) Buzz Aldrin
Answer: a) Yuri Gagarin

5.What is the primary function of the International Space Station (ISS)?
a) Conducting scientific research
b) Testing new spacecraft technologies
c) Observing distant stars
d) Studying the Earth’s atmosphere
Answer: a) Conducting scientific research

6.Which space agency launched the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: a) NASA

7.What is the purpose of the Kepler space telescope?
a) Searching for exoplanets
b) Studying black holes
c) Monitoring solar flares
d) Investigating dark matter
Answer: a) Searching for exoplanets

8.Which space agency successfully landed the Philae probe on a comet?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: b) ESA

9.What is the main purpose of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket?
a) Launching satellites into orbit
b) Transporting astronauts to the International Space Station
c) Exploring other planets
d) Building a permanent lunar base
Answer: a) Launching satellites into orbit

10.Which planet is known for its prominent rings?
a) Mars
b) Jupiter
c) Saturn
d) Uranus
Answer: c) Saturn

11.Who was the first American woman to travel to space?
a) Sally Ride
b) Valentina Tereshkova
c) Mae Jemison
d) Eileen Collins
Answer: a) Sally Ride

12.What is the purpose of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, including the Curiosity rover?
a) Studying the Martian atmosphere
b) Searching for signs of past or present life on Mars
c) Observing the behavior of Martian dust storms
d) Analyzing the composition of Martian soil
Answer: b) Searching for signs of past or present life on Mars

13.Which space agency successfully landed the Chang’e-4 spacecraft on the far side of the Moon?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: d) CNSA

14.What is the purpose of the Global Positioning System (GPS)?
a) Studying climate patterns on Earth
b) Tracking space debris
c) Monitoring volcanic activity
d) Providing precise navigation and positioning on Earth
Answer: d) Providing precise navigation and positioning on Earth

15.Which space agency launched the Voyager probes to explore the outer planets?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: a) NASA

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16.What is the name of the most powerful rocket currently in operation?
a) Falcon Heavy
b) Delta IV Heavy
c) Atlas V
d) Long March 5
Answer: a) Falcon Heavy

17.Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Venus
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Mercury
Answer: c) Mars

18.What is the purpose of the Cassini-Huygens mission?
a) Studying the rings and moons of Saturn
b) Investigating the atmosphere of Venus
c) Exploring the surface of Mars
d) Monitoring solar flares
Answer: a) Studying the rings and moons of Saturn

19.Which space agency successfully landed the InSight spacecraft on Mars to study the planet’s interior?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: a) NASA

20.What is the purpose of the James Webb Space Telescope?
a) Studying distant galaxies and the early universe
b) Monitoring space weather
c) Investigating the atmosphere of Mars
d) Searching for exoplanets
Answer: a) Studying distant galaxies and the early universe

21.Which space agency launched the Chandrayaan-2 mission to the Moon?
b) ESA
Answer: c) ISRO

22.What is the purpose of the New Horizons mission?
a) Studying Jupiter and its moons
b) Investigating the atmosphere of Saturn
c) Exploring the outer regions of the solar system, including Pluto
d) Monitoring solar flares
Answer: c) Exploring the outer regions of the solar system, including Pluto

23.Which space agency launched the Parker Solar Probe to study the Sun?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: a) NASA

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24.What is the purpose of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)?
a) Studying the geological features of the Moon
b) Investigating the atmosphere of Venus
c) Exploring the surface of Mars
d) Monitoring space debris
Answer: a) Studying the geological features of the Moon

25.Which planet is known for its prominent Great Red Spot?
a) Mars
b) Jupiter
c) Saturn
d) Uranus
Answer: b) Jupiter

26.Who was the first woman to walk in space?
a) Sally Ride
b) Valentina Tereshkova
c) Mae Jemison
d) Svetlana Savitskaya
Answer: d) Svetlana Savitskaya

27.What was the purpose of the Apollo program?
a) Studying the Moon’s surface
b) Establishing a permanent human presence on the Moon
c) Investigating the atmosphere of Mars
d) Exploring the outer regions of the solar system
Answer: a) Studying the Moon’s surface

28.Which space agency successfully landed the Perseverance rover on Mars?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: a) NASA

29.What is the purpose of the Juno mission?
a) Studying the rings and moons of Saturn
b) Investigating the atmosphere of Venus
c) Exploring Jupiter and its moons
d) Monitoring solar flares
Answer: c) Exploring Jupiter and its moons

30.Which space agency launched the XMM-Newton space telescope to study X-rays from space?
b) ESA
c) Roscosmos
Answer: b) ESA

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