30 Employee Feedback Quiz Questions and Answers

An employee feedback quiz is a tool or assessment designed to gather feedback from employees about their experiences, opinions, and perceptions within the workplace. It typically consists of a series of questions or statements related to various aspects of the work environment, employee-manager relationships, company culture, job satisfaction, communication, and other relevant topics.

The purpose of an employee feedback quiz is to provide a structured mechanism for employees to express their thoughts and feelings about their work experiences. It allows organizations to gain insights into employee engagement, morale, areas for improvement, and overall satisfaction. The feedback collected through such quizzes can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses within the organization, make informed decisions for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance employee engagement and productivity.

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Table of content

Part 1: 30 multiple-choice questions for an employee feedback quiz along with their corresponding answers

1. How would you rate your overall job satisfaction?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

2. Do you feel that your work is valued and appreciated by your supervisor/manager?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, most of the time
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely
e) No, never
Answer: (Options a to e)

3. How effective is communication within your team/department?
a) Highly effective
b) Moderately effective
c) Somewhat effective
d) Ineffective
Answer: (Options a to d)

4. Are you provided with the necessary resources and support to perform your job effectively?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, most of the time
c) Sometimes
d) Rarely
e) No, never
Answer: (Options a to e)

5. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for professional growth and development?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

6. How often do you receive feedback on your performance?
a) Regularly
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely
d) Never
Answer: (Options a to d)

7. How well does your manager support your work-life balance?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

8. How would you rate the overall company culture?
a) Positive and inclusive
b) Mostly positive
c) Neutral
d) Negative
e) Very negative
Answer: (Options a to e)

9. Are there opportunities for collaboration and teamwork in your role?
a) Yes, frequently
b) Yes, occasionally
c) Rarely
d) No, never
Answer: (Options a to d)

10. How satisfied are you with the recognition and rewards programs in the company?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

11. How well does your manager listen to and consider your ideas and suggestions?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

12. Do you feel that you have a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities?
a) Yes, completely
b) Yes, mostly
c) Somewhat
d) No, not at all
Answer: (Options a to d)

13. How supported do you feel in your professional development goals by your manager and the organization?
a) Fully supported
b) Partially supported
c) Minimally supported
d) Not supported at all
Answer: (Options a to d)

14. How would you rate the level of trust within your team/department?
a) Very high
b) Moderately high
c) Neutral
d) Low
e) Very low
Answer: (Options a to e)

15. Are you satisfied with the opportunities for advancement within the company?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

Part 2: Download employee feedback questions & answers for free

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16. How well does the company support a healthy work-life balance for employees?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

17. How would you rate the level of transparency in decision-making processes within the company?
a) Very transparent
b) Moderately transparent
c) Somewhat transparent
d) Not transparent
Answer: (Options a to d)

18. Are you satisfied with the level of diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

19. How well does the company recognize and address employee concerns and feedback?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

20. How satisfied are you with the company’s performance appraisal and feedback processes?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

21. How well does the company promote work-life balance initiatives and employee well-being?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

22. Are there opportunities for skill development and training programs in the company?
a) Yes, many opportunities
b) Yes, a few opportunities
c) Rarely
d) No, none at all
Answer: (Options a to d)

23. How satisfied are you with the company’s overall performance and direction?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

24. How well does the company promote a positive and inclusive work culture?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

25. Are you satisfied with the level of autonomy and decision-making authority you have in your role?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

26. How well does the company foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration among employees?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

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27. Are you satisfied with the company’s efforts to recognize and reward employee achievements?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

28. How well does the company provide opportunities for feedback and open communication?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Somewhat well
d) Poorly
Answer: (Options a to d)

29. Are you satisfied with the level of support and guidance provided by your immediate supervisor/manager?
a) Very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied
e) Very dissatisfied
Answer: (Options a to e)

30. How would you rate the overall employee morale within the company?
a) Very high
b) Moderately high
c) Neutral
d) Low
e) Very low
Answer: (Options a to e)

Part 3: Free online quiz creator – OnlineExamMaker

OnlineExamMaker is cloud-baed and mobile friendly, the created exams can be access on various devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, allowing you to test your connection speed anytime, anywhere. You can personalize your quizzes by adding your branding elements such as logos, colors, and custom backgrounds. You can also set time limits, randomize question order, and customize feedback messages based on learners’ responses.

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