Students invest more than their blood, sweat, and tears when learning and studying for a degree. With that, they also spend time, energy, and money that goes into education for a brighter future. We work hard in college to take...
Students invest more than their blood, sweat, and tears when learning and studying for a degree. With that, they also spend time, energy, and money that goes into education for a brighter future. We work hard in college to take...
Assessment is known as the systematic procedure typically used in the education system. Through assessment, educators can determine the learners' level of understanding and knowledge retention. Student assessment allows teachers to evaluate their learning progress, providing teachers with the needed...
Personality quizzes have gained immense popularity over the years, both for entertainment and for academic or professional purposes. Here are some benefits of personality quizzes: Self-awareness: Taking a personality quiz can provide insights into one's own behavior, strengths, and weaknesses....
Teachers are proponents of learning and improvement. With that said, we teachers will encounter different obstacles in education. And especially in periodical tests and assessments. The tests we make will be the same, but let's remember that each student is...
Social media is one of the trends today. It is almost impossible to know an individual who doesn't have a social media account, especially on Facebook. With its features, users are drawn to its videos and visual media. It is...
Marketers are always on the lookout for newer, appealing ways to reach their target audiences for lead generation. Among such recent tools, the concept of marketing quizzes has been highly promoted. An intuitive-created marketing quiz would increase user interaction, enhance...
Customers are always right. We've all heard that phrase before. We seek to render the best of our services for their satisfaction. Time is gold. And I'm sure you've heard of that saying, too. Are you a fellow business owner...
If you want to bulk import quiz questions to Google Forms, here are several methods you can have a try. 1. Google Forms API and Scripting: If you're comfortable with programming, Google Apps Script can be used to create and...
We, teachers, are tasked to guide our learners. The job is to ensure they incorporate the lessons in real life. And that they possess skills like comprehension and application. In this way, they can use what they've learned! Apply their...
Quizzes are for testing knowledge or assessing a person's skills or interests. These are traditionally printed or written on paper. But that's a waste of space, time, and resources! And this is why we should switch to doing and making...