How to Use Google Classroom for Homeschooling?

Traditional school and homeschooling are both relatively challenging for teachers like you. Students vary in their learning style; they may opt to homeschool for flexible time and learning approaches that best suit them. The question is, how can you keep track of their progress as you give them tasks when they’re just at home? The excellent solution is here! Google Classroom offers you straightforward instructions on how to use its pretty cool features that you will surely find beneficial when conducting a homeschooling classroom. So, let’s get started with setting up your own homeschoolers’ Google Classroom!

Table of Contents

How to Use Google Classroom for Homeschooling?

Step 1: The first step is to log in to your Google Classroom account and then click on + to create a class.

Step 2: The next step is to name your Class, Section, and Subject, and then click on “Create” to proceed.

Step 3: To invite your students, click on “People”, and under that, click the icon for “invite students”; type your students’ email address then hit the “invite” button.

Step 4: To create an assignment, go to “Classwork”, choose “Assignment”, type the title of the assignment, and put the specific instructions you want your students to read and follow. Then, choose from where you will get your assignment under “Attach”; to publish your assignment, click on “Assign”.

Isn’t it plain and easy to use? Play around with it, it’s pretty simple and you can also create topics to organize your postings by going to “Classwork” and choosing “Topic” where you can name it specifically, and then click on “Add” to finish up. There you go a super helpful tool to keep your students’ progress on track!

OnlineExamMaker: An Alternative Way to Use for Homeschooling Classroom

Ready to set up your homeschool classroom but no Google Classroom account? No problem ‘coz I got you!

An alternative way to use Homeschooling Classroom is just at your fingertips! Do you want a platform that is timesaving, with no time and place limit, reducing overheads, and with auto-grading? Switch now to OnlineExamMaker! Accomplish more in your homeschool class and do tasks even faster with the help of OnlineExamMaker’s cool features. Keep reading to know how you can set up a classroom for homeschoolers using OnlineExamMaker!

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How to Use OnlineExamMaker for Homeschooling?

Step 1: The first step is to log in to your OnlineExamMaker account; on the left column, choose “All Students” under “Students” to add your students.

Step 2: For this step there are two choices on how you can add your students: “Add one” and “Batch Import”.
To add one student, you have to fill out: Group name, Name of the Student, Gender, Email, and Parents; to finish up, click on “Add”
For batch import, just click on “Select File and Upload” under “Batch Import Students”; choose the Excel template file from where your students’ names are listed; finish the data match, and then import.

Step 3: Just confirm your batch import, and then you will see the names of your students enrolled in your classroom.

Step 4: To post your learning material, click on “LMS” and choose “Courseware”.

Step 5: Next, under “Courseware”, click on “Upload” and choose “Add File”.

Step 6: Next, click on “Start Uploading”.

Step 7: Next, under “Operating”, click on the eye icon to see the posted learning material.

Benefits of Homeschooling

Builds Stronger Parent-Child Relationship
At the beginning of their journey as homeschoolers, parents must be hands-on in establishing standards and routines for their children as they learn at home. Along the way, students will learn together with their parents, who will also provide all-around support to their children. This would ensure a strong bond with their parents.

Encourages Independent Learning
Homeschoolers often do tasks on their own; with the help of these features, students will develop independence with the work at hand, exploring their creativity and discoveries at their own pace.

Saves Money
Enrolling on a traditional school could have the same tuition fee as homeschooling. But when it comes to everyday reporting to school, being homeschooled allows you to save money from the expenses of transportation, food, and other things if you’re outside. Instead, you will only need to access readily available platforms like OnlineExamMaker to be able to supply your educational needs at home!

Now, it’s a no-sweat work for teachers and homeschoolers! You can carry on with home education within easy reach. Just complete the following steps, and you’re good to go! Try these amazing features to have more time to learn other things.

Author: Matt Davis

Matt is a content marketing specialist with more than 5 years of experience in content creation, he is glad to share his experience about online education and digital marketing.