How to Create Assignments with Google Docs in Google Classroom?

Now that we’re in a world where classes are held online, it’s so easy to create tasks and assignments for our students. We don’t need to worry about papers, writing, or even printing! There are so much tools out there we can use for creating these tasks. One of them is a known application called Google Docs. This app will make writing so easy. Google Docs are used not just to write online but also to do tasks like inserting pictures, links, tables, drawing shapes, creating an outline, doing font styling and a lot more!

Speaking of tasks, you should have an easier way to accomplish them, including an assignment. So, in this article, you will have an idea to create an assignment with Google Docs in Google Classroom for better learning!

Table of Contents

How to Create Assignments with Google Docs in Google Classroom?

Step 1:
The first step is to log in to your Google Classroom account then, click on the class you want to create your Google Docs assignment from.

Step 2:
The next step is to click “Classwork”.

Step 3:
Click on “Create”, then choose “Assignment”.

Step 4:
The next step is to toggle on “Create” under “Attach” and choose Docs.

Step 5:
Finally, after clicking “Docs” you can now choose from these three options: “Students can view file”; if you only want them to view the file, “Students can edit file”; if there’s anything to be edited, or “Make a copy for each student”; if you want to see their real-time answering actions on their own copy.

There you have it! An easy way to accommodate assignments using Google Docs in Google Classroom so you could have a convenient work wherever you are may it be on home, office, or vacation!

OnlineExamMaker: An alternative way to create assignments with Google Docs

We are really surrounded by excellent choices when it comes to online learning, aside from Google Classroom do you know that you can also create assignments with Google Docs in this platform? This is a very helpful assessment system to know your learners’ improvement. Try using OnlineExamMaker now!

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How to Create Assignments with Google Docs in OnlineExamMaker?

Step 1:
The first step is to log in to your OnlineExamMaker account, click on “Import questions,” and choose “Method 2: Upload questions via a file”.

Step 2:
Next, scroll down under “Method 2” and click on “Upload file”.

Step 3:
Log in to your Google Docs account, then type your question/s for the assignment.

Step 4:
Click on “file” on the upper left corner; choose “Microsoft Word (.docx)” under “Download”. Then, wait for it to be downloaded on your device.

Step 5:
Upload your questions from the file you have downloaded, then wait until the file is uploaded and imported.

Step 6:
Once the questions are imported, you may now click on “Creating exam with imported test questions”.

Step 7:
Next, put the Title of your Exam; click on “Select Category” and; hit on “Create An Exam”.

Step 8:
After clicking on “Create An Exam”, you will see the assignment you created. To allow your students to answer this question for your assignment, toggle on “Publish”.

Step 9:
Lastly, choose “Now” to publish your created assignment.

Benefits of Creating Assignments Online

Accessible Resources
Using online resources for assignments would make your task easier and efficient for there are plenty of information with just a single click. This would allow you to find options on how to improve doing your tasks as well!

Instant Feedback
Who doesn’t want instant feedback on your performance, especially when doing assignments? Having instant feedback would really help students improve their knowledge and skills by knowing what to develop more.

More Sustainable Option
At the comfort of your home, office or anywhere else you could plan, schedule, and assign a task for your students without worrying about how they will bring it physically and this could continue as long as you want to use this platform.

There, you have an easy way to assign a task! Try these tips for a better learning experience. Have fun navigating these interesting features, and worry no more about your tasks and assignments!

Author: Matt Davis

Matt is a content marketing specialist with more than 5 years of experience in content creation, he is glad to share his experience about online education and digital marketing.