30 VLOOKUP Quiz Questions and Answers

VLOOKUP is a popular function in spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, used to search for a specific value in a table and retrieve related information from another part of the table. The term “VLOOKUP” stands for “Vertical Lookup,” indicating that the function searches for values vertically in a column.

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Part 1: 30 VLOOKUP quiz questions & answers

1. Question: What does “VLOOKUP” stand for in spreadsheet applications?
a) Vertical Lookup
b) Value Lookup
c) Variable Lookup
d) Vector Lookup
Answer: a) Vertical Lookup

2. Question: What is the primary purpose of the VLOOKUP function?
a) To perform arithmetic calculations
b) To search for values horizontally in a table
c) To search for values vertically in a table
d) To format cell data
Answer: c) To search for values vertically in a table

3. Question: What is the syntax of the VLOOKUP function?
a) VLOOKUP(lookup_value, col_index_num, table_array)
b) VLOOKUP(table_array, lookup_value, col_index_num)
c) VLOOKUP(col_index_num, lookup_value, table_array)
d) VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num)
Answer: d) VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num)

4. Question: Which argument of the VLOOKUP function specifies the value you want to find in the table?
a) lookup_value
b) col_index_num
c) table_array
d) range_lookup
Answer: a) lookup_value

5. Question: What does the “col_index_num” argument in the VLOOKUP function represent?
a) The row number where the value is located
b) The column number where the value is located
c) The value to be returned
d) The number of columns to skip in the table_array
Answer: b) The column number where the value is located

6. Question: Which argument in the VLOOKUP function determines whether to search for an exact match or an approximate match?
a) lookup_value
b) col_index_num
c) table_array
d) range_lookup
Answer: d) range_lookup

7. Question: What happens if the VLOOKUP function does not find an exact match and “range_lookup” is set to FALSE?
a) It returns the nearest match.
b) It returns an error.
c) It automatically changes “range_lookup” to TRUE and tries again.
d) It returns the first value in the first column of the table_array.
Answer: b) It returns an error.

8. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what is the purpose of the “table_array” argument?
a) To specify the data range to be searched
b) To indicate whether the function should search vertically or horizontally
c) To define the data type of the lookup_value
d) To determine the data format of the returned value
Answer: a) To specify the data range to be searched

9. Question: Which Excel function can be used to search for values horizontally in a table?
Answer: a) HLOOKUP

10. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to TRUE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value

11. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, which column should be specified as the “col_index_num” to retrieve the corresponding value?
a) The column containing the lookup_value
b) The last column in the table_array
c) The first column in the table_array
d) Any column in the table_array
Answer: d) Any column in the table_array

12. Question: What is the maximum number of columns that can be used in the “table_array” argument of the VLOOKUP function?
a) 10
b) 50
c) 100
d) It depends on the version of the spreadsheet software.
Answer: d) It depends on the version of the spreadsheet software.

13. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, if “range_lookup” is set to TRUE, what type of match is performed?
a) Exact match
b) Wildcard match
c) Case-sensitive match
d) Approximate match
Answer: d) Approximate match

14. Question: Which of the following is a correct VLOOKUP function to find the price of a product with the code “ABC123” in a table?
a) VLOOKUP(“ABC123”, B2:C10, 2, FALSE)
b) VLOOKUP(“ABC123”, C2:B10, 1, TRUE)
c) VLOOKUP(“ABC123”, A2:B10, 2, TRUE)
d) VLOOKUP(“ABC123”, A2:C10, 3, FALSE)
Answer: a) VLOOKUP(“ABC123”, B2:C10, 2, FALSE)

15. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to FALSE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: d) #N/A error

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16. Question: Which Excel function can be used to perform a lookup in a two-dimensional table?
Answer: c) LOOKUP

17. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what is the purpose of using the “FALSE” argument for “range_lookup”?
a) To perform a case-sensitive match
b) To search for the nearest match
c) To search for an exact match
d) To search for a wildcard match
Answer: c) To search for an exact match

18. Question: Which argument of the VLOOKUP function is optional?
a) lookup_value
b) col_index_num
c) table_array
d) range_lookup
Answer: d) range_lookup

19. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what does the “TRUE” argument for “range_lookup” represent?
a) Search for an exact match
b) Search for the nearest match greater than the lookup_value
c) Search for the nearest match less than the lookup_value
d) Search for an approximate match
Answer: d) Search for an approximate match

20. Question: Which Excel function can be used to find the position of a value within a range?
Answer: c) MATCH

21. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what is the purpose of using the “TRUE” argument for

a) To perform a case-sensitive match
b) To search for the nearest match
c) To search for an exact match
d) To search for a wildcard match
Answer: b) To search for the nearest match

22. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to TRUE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value

23. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what does the “col_index_num” represent?
a) The row number where the value is located
b) The column number where the value is located
c) The value to be returned
d) The number of columns to skip in the table_array
Answer: b) The column number where the value is located

24. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to FALSE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: d) #N/A error

25. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what is the purpose of using the “FALSE” argument for “range_lookup”?
a) To perform a case-sensitive match
b) To search for the nearest match
c) To search for an exact match
d) To search for a wildcard match
Answer: c) To search for an exact match

26. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to TRUE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value

27. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what is the purpose of using the “TRUE” argument for “range_lookup”?
a) To perform a case-sensitive match
b) To search for the nearest match
c) To search for an exact match
d) To search for a wildcard match
Answer: b) To search for the nearest match

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28. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to TRUE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value

29. Question: In the VLOOKUP function, what does the “col_index_num” represent?
a) The row number where the value is located
b) The column number where the value is located
c) The value to be returned
d) The number of columns to skip in the table_array
Answer: b) The column number where the value is located

30. Question: What does the VLOOKUP function return if the “lookup_value” is not found, and “range_lookup” is set to FALSE?
a) The nearest match greater than the lookup_value
b) The nearest match less than the lookup_value
c) The value from the last row of the table_array
d) #N/A error
Answer: d) #N/A error

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